For Membership and Religious Vaccine Exemption Registration Scroll Down

First Century Bible Church is a diverse and widely dispersed body of Christian believers, organized in house churches and other congregations around the world, or by virtual fellowship on the Internet, united in a desire to rediscover the faith and practices of the early church as understood from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles and Disciples of Christ, and committed to affirming church sovereignty under God, independent from government control in all matters of doctrine and church polity, and entrusted by God to exercise its faith assertively and redemptively in all spheres of civil society, including the realms of politics, media, academia, art, commerce, and international relations, for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of Christ among humankind and preparing the world for His promised return.
Our Beliefs and Practices are published under the auspices of First Century Bible College HERE. In short, we embrace the essentials of the faith as defined in the Revised Nicene Creed of 381, to which we add the behavioral essentials of Biblical marriage and sexuality. Charitable tolerance for differences on non-essentials is vigorously pursued as an aspiration requiring continual discussion, study and prayer as specific issues arise in the body.
Anyone, anywhere can be a member of First Century Bible Church by affirmation of this core doctrinal perspective and registration with the church office (below). Alternatively, congregations of any size or form may register as a body. Membership is not exclusive, and in fact FCBC members are encouraged to maintain membership in other congregations to facilitate “cross-pollination” of our philosophy of “unity in the essentials, charity in all else.”
Our Legal and Organizational Structure: As acknowledged in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, to wit “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” and as extended by the Fourteenth Amendment, which makes the individual state governments equally subject to the restrictions of the Bill of Rights, the Christian church is a sovereign sphere of human life outside the jurisdiction of government.
First Century Bible Church fully claims and exercises its sovereignty by declining to register under IRS code 501(c)(3), a natural right fully acknowledged by the IRS in 26 US Code Section 508(a,c)(1)(A), which reads in pertinent part: “Special rules with respect to section 501(c)(3) organizations: (a) New organizations must notify Secretary that they are applying for recognition of section 501(c)(3) status. — Except as provided in subsection (c)… (c) Exceptions. — (1) Mandatory exceptions. — Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply to — (A) churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches.” For more on this topic go HERE .
Early in 2020, First Century Bible Church was simply declared into existence by Pastor Lively (a retired Christian attorney with special expertise in Biblical Law), who serves as Trustee in all matters, similar to the role of the Apostles in their relationship to the various church networks they founded in the First Century. First Century Bible Church doctrines and polity are ultimately governed by the Holy Bible, and by specific subservient and refinable policy positions derived from it by the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the continually unfolding process of history and prophecy by which God’s plan for mankind becomes ever clearer to those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews:11:6).

BREAKING NEWS BIBLE STUDY IS A Set of 34 Bible-Based Commentaries on Current Events that were broadcast in 2020 to showcase FCBC’s holistic view of Christian church and civic duties. Access these videos HERE or click on the above graphic.


The following is a sample of the letter we provide to FCBC members and affiliate congregations as needed, upon request to document their sincere religious objection to “mandatory” government health policies, including vaccines.
Declaration and Doctrine of First Century Bible Church on Government Health Mandates Including Vaccines
First Century Bible Church’s policy on governmental mandatory edicts rests upon two
pillars as its foundation: the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and America’s Bible-based founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both of which honor the liberty of individuals to pursue their own happiness subject to the revealed guidance of God and, among other things, to determine for themselves what, if any, health measures they wish to pursue.
Our Church believes in the absolute sovereignty of God in all things, and His delegation
of authority to human beings over the control of their own minds and bodies (Colossians
1:16–17; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We believe we possess both the God-given ability to
reason and the gift of free will to make our own choices regarding our lives, inclusive of
our health and well-being, and that individuals should be the ones to make their own
decisions pertaining to any and all medical services and medications, including all
decisions regarding vaccines no matter what conditions—including pandemics—may be
The choice to use or accept any forms of external intervention to address any mental or
physical health problem remains a sacred personal right, notwithstanding the opinion of
other people, including medical professionals and government officials. Regarding the
question of Covid 19 vaccines and other emerging medical technologies, we hold that
the use of any product containing or derived from the remains of unborn babies
terminated by abortion is absolutely forbidden and that knowingly accepting such a
product into one’s body is to become an accessory to murder, subject to the full force of
Biblical law (Proverbs 28:17; 1 Samuel 3:13).
Furthermore, any medical product designed to alter one’s genetic code or to create a
“biometric” or comparable mark or other identifier by which one can be tracked by
government or its agents is also absolutely forbidden as a surrender to idolatry. If such
mark is not technically the Mark of the Beast warned against in Scripture, it is so close in
form and substance as to be at least preliminary preparation for it, if not a binding
spiritual substitute (Revelation 19:20; 1 Corinthians 8:4-7).
In summary, we recognize only God as our ultimate authority in all things, and that He
has delegated to each of us authority over our own lives and choices in matters of
health, including that of vaccines, and we hold that the serious, potentially eternal
consequence attaching to our choices, strongly outweighs any dictate of government to
the contrary.
This Declaration shall serve as effective notice of demand for religious accommodation
to exempt the bearer from receiving any mandated vaccine or other invasive identifier
such as ID2020, upon presentation by a member of First Century Bible Church or its registered affiliate congregations to any government or public health authority.
Scroll down to learn about becoming a member of First Century Bible Church with the right to officially claim this declaration as your personal religious doctrine.
Pastor Lively Gives his Christian Testimony
Pastor Lively on Preparing for the Underground Church
Our congregation is diverse and global. Membership requires only agreement with what we view as the essentials of the faith, as articulated above, and carries with it the expectation that members will assist in the financial support of the church as they are led by the Holy Spirit.
Because we view our role as encompassing both open and underground believers and congregations, registration of membership is optional, but if one of your reasons for joining the church is to claim your religious right to refuse the Covid 19 vaccine, registration would help you to assert that right in good faith if the need arose.
Upon registration you can request a letter confirming your membership which can be presented to any employer or other authority as a demand for religious accommodation, an important first step in the assertion of your rights, which may or may not be honored without follow-up action by your attorney. To request a personalized letter after registration, send an email to