2 SCOTUS rulings Trump must push to reverse

Today is the day we “right-wing” Americans have all been waiting for, the return of Donald Trump to the presidency, driving a bulldozer. For the first time since Ronald Reagan we have a Republican president devoted not to “conservatism” but to a vision of a better America that requires demolishing Marxist cultural and political infrastructure and rebuilding the constitutionalist structures the left has been systematically supplanting since the 1920s.

Most Americans are focused on the MAGA pushback against the outrages of this generation such as DEI, two-tiered justice, open borders and the near death of parental rights, but I am hoping Trump intends not just to trim the hedges of Marxism but to cut them down to the ground and dig out the roots. In order to do that he must eliminate ALL its elements, including its first principle. atheism, and its central strategy for conquest, LGBTism.

First a word about time-horizons and their importance to reformers. As my long-term readers know, I was in my teens and 20s a sometimes homeless alcoholic and drug addict who drifted around the U.S. sleeping under bridges and begging spare change to survive. My time horizon – the furthest point in the future I planned for and cared about – was about six weeks. Sometimes it was just a day or even hours. I plumbed the depths of Maslow’s “Heirarchy of Needs,” focused totally on short-term gratification and largely unconcerned about the long-term consequences of my decisions. Through countless reckless adventures and wrong turns, it was only by the grace of God I escaped death or long-term institutionalization.

Years later as a Christian, saved and healed from my addictions through a trauma-inspired prayerful surrender of my life to Jesus Christ, I became an avid student of history – both biblical and secular – and acquired the longest possible timeline, stretching from the Creation to Eternity. In my mid-30s, with only a high school diploma under my belt, and a wife and two small children to support, I set a goal to become a lawyer, which took six years of diligence and determination. At Simon Greenleaf University (now Trinity Law School) I studied both biblical and constitutional law and graduated Magna cum Laude with a Juris Doctor degree (J.D.). I then immediately pursued and earned a Doctor of Theology degree (Th.D.)

I’m the only person I know who got through law school as a missionary, funded by a mailing list of supporters who wanted to help me gain better skills to fight the culture war. I attracted most of those supporters (some of whom are still on my list) by hawking my first book, “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” on talk radio shows. I self-published to retain total control of the book, sold them only by phone orders from the shows (and person-to-person at speaking events) and sent fundraising letters to the buyers.

I say all this not for self-aggrandizement – there is no good thing in me but Christ – but to establish my credentials to advise Donald Trump on culture-war fighting. I’m an accomplished academic scholar of “culture war studies” (a maverick’s self-created career path) who has also been in the front-line trenches fighting this war at huge personal cost since the 1980s.

And so, with this foundation, and a far more educated and realistic perspective of how far back we need to go to “purge” Marxism than the average MAGA patriot has, I contend there are two SCOTUS rulings that must be reversed to restore authentic constitutionalism as it was intended by the founders.

Everson v. Board of Education (1947). “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12), and conversely, the Christian nation that expressly rejects him is cursed. The wicked jurist and KKK member Hugo Black wrote the majority opinion in Everson, replacing the God of the Bible with Secular Humanism on America’s throne, by elevating Jefferson’s metaphor “separation of church and state” to the status of binding constitutional law. Prior to Everson, God was honored in our law as the Supreme Being (as detailed in the Holy Trinity case), and the truths of the Bible were nationally revered and taught to our children in public schools. Everson set us on a new trajectory away from God toward legally enforced polytheism in the populace and Secular Humanism in the government.

While America was not perfect in the generations prior to Everson, this ruling collapsed our moral underpinnings and triggered the storm of social and cultural chaos that has ever since ravaged this nation in waves of exponentially compounding domestic and international crises. America can never be made great again within the founders understanding of greatness so long as Everson stands as the law of the land.

I’ve written extensively on this topic over the years, including this essay. (Search “Everson” on my website for more). And for those with an interest in demonology, my book “Dynasty of Darkness, Vol. 2,” details the mind-blowing demonic activities associated with the Everson ruling and related cases and historical events. (You should also read Volume 1 for the extensive biblical support for my claims.)

Lawrence v. Texas (2003). “A man shall not lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination” states God Himself in His explanation to the Hebrew people justifying His policy of extermination of the Canaanites in Leviticus 18. The ancient common law on “sodomy” was based on this verse (18:22) and the following one: “You must not lie carnally with any animal, thus defiling yourself with it; a woman must not stand before an animal to mate with it; that is a perversion (18:23).” As our third president, Thomas Jefferson noted in his restatement of the law:

“Buggery is twofold. 1. With mankind, 2. With beasts. Buggery is the Genus, of which Sodomy and Bestiality, are the species. … Sodomiary is a carnal copulation against nature, to wit, of man or woman in the same sex, or of either of them with beasts. …” Of the two, Jefferson implied, homosexuality was worse, because “bestiality can never make any progress; it cannot therefore be injurious to society in any great degree, which is the true measure of criminality in foro civili, and will ever be properly and severely punished, by universal derision.” See the cite and other shocking details >a href=”https://www.scottlively.net/2014/12/26/the-forgotten-last-days-warning-about-homosexuality-in-the-bible/”>”here.

God’s law against sodomy was enshrined in America’s national law until Lawrence, which was the second of the four landmark rulings written by the satanically inspired Justice Anthony Kennedy establishing LGBT cultural supremacy over Christianity in America. My law partner and I were the only law firm in the country that filed a request for SCOTUS not to accept Lawrence for review, but they did. Kennedy then not only struck down the Texas sodomy laws, but reversed the most important sexual morality ruling in our national history, Bowers v. Hardwick (1986), which recognized the right of states to regulate sexual deviance in the public interest.

Kennedy’s Lawrence ruling was the second and most sweeping of the four major dominos to fall (Romer v. Evans was first, Obergefell was the fourth) that eventually made DEI legally possible, and reversing it (hopefully by restoring Bowers) is the only way to truly kill DEI permanently and to push the LGBT agenda back into the closet where it belongs. I’ve been fighting for this my entire career and predicted in 2013 exactly what we’ve reaped since.

Please pray with me that Trump’s vision for restoration expands to a long-enough timeline to recognize the true destructiveness of these two must-reverse SCOTUS rulings.

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The global consequences of Russia’s Ukraine victory

NATO’s utter failure to impose “Western Liberal Democracy” (i.e., the LGBT agenda) on Russia through military defeat and Balkanization means – above every other consideration – the world’s alignment to LGBTism must be quickly scuttled (at least temporarily) to prevent the rapid expansion of Russian cultural influence in the community of nations.

For more than 20 years, I’ve been quite public in my support of Russia because I recognize the Russian Federation as the world’s best hope for rolling back the global LGBT agenda. That agenda has been the point of the leftist spear for nation-by-nation cultural regime change toward its ultimate goal of imposing a leftist-controlled global government on us all. I was awakened to the true nature of the LGBT threat as a baby Christian during the Reagan Revolution, and, after several years watching the agenda wreak havoc on America despite the best efforts of the church (and my own), I became an independent missionary to the global pro-family movement in the hope that the cancer we now call DEI could be forced into remission globally with a positive rebound effect eventually here at home.

I learned early on that the widespread social acceptance of homosexuality is the No. 1 key biblical harbinger of the wrath of God against corrupted human societies, from Noah’s Flood in Genesis to the Earth-cleansing judgments of Revelation – and thus have always recognized modern LGBTism for what it truly is: the satanic undermining of human civilization – including the Christian church. To that final point, my book “The Petros Prophecy” (a free resource) argues that the last-days heresy warned about by the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2 – and now blindingly evident in America – is so-called “gay theology.”

My first book, “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” (1995), exposed the “gay” origins of the Third Reich, serving basically as documentary evidence of Romans 1:18-32 in a modern context, and my recently published 6th edition is actually a separate stand-alone book emphasizing the Nazi roots of the American LGBT movement: “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets,” and why they matter to America today. I am offering it for free in PDF form through Jan. 21 in service to the pro-family/anti-DEI cause. Feel free to spread it everywhere to speed the removal of the LGBT ideological encrustations smothering all of our critical cultural and political institutions.

“The Pink Swastika” opened innumerable doors for me across the world to sound the warning about LGBTism and help raise international resistance against it, including a major speaking tour through the former Soviet Union, sponsored by a Russian-speaking denomination based in Riga, Latvia. Its founder Pastor Alexey Ledyaev had read “The Pink Swastika” 4th edition (my final collaboration with Kevin Abrams) and invited me to speak at their annual conference in Riga in 2006, leading to dozens of invitations to cities across Russian and Eastern Europe. I went home to California, closed down my law practice over the next six months, and then spent a year nation-hopping to strengthen the global pro-family movement in churches, universities, media and governments. I believe that tour played a small but significant part in bringing about the Russian ban on “gay” propaganda to children, starting as municipal law in the final city of my tour, St. Petersburg. That legislation was adopted in many other Russian cities, eventually being adopted by the national Duma and signed into law by President Putin in 2013 (triggering Obama’s epic globalist freakout and restart of the Cold War).

The main purpose for this article, however, is to applaud Russia’s victory in preventing NATO from using Ukraine as a weapon to defeat, subjugate and plunder the Russian Federation – and to highlight some of the geopolitical consequences of that victory both good and bad.

First, because Russia will NOT be forced to bow the knee to LGBTism (again, the core strategy for weakening resistance to globalism), the elites are forced to reverse course on the “Obama Doctrine” of aggressively shoving the “gay” agenda down the throats of every nation through sheer hegemonic coercion. Instead, they must rapidly scramble to prevent Russia from massively winning the hearts and minds of normalcy-craving populations globally – as was beginning to happen locally in Eastern Europe in 2013 immediately after the Russian propaganda ban took effect. The U.S. nipped that in the bud with the 2014 Obama/Soros coup in Ukraine – the true start of the Ukraine war – but now that their war strategy has failed, the elites must quickly pivot, dump their most fervent DEI pushers everywhere (e.g., Justin Trudeau), and replace them with more conservative-looking leaders (e.g., pro-NATO Giorgia Meloni). In line with that prediction, check out this blockbuster story on Blackrock’s panicked retreat from ESG policies. (Remember that the “S” in ESG means DEI.)

Already the ascendancy of Russian values in the minds of Europeans has forced the NATO puppet-masters to “cancel” a pro-Russian conservative election victory in Romania and to threaten the same in Germany should the Alternatives for Germany (AfG) party come to power as seems likely. The world won’t put up with too much more of that glaring hypocrisy without shifting even harder to Russia’s side (just as resulted in the U.S. from blatant leftist election fraud and lawfare against Trump).

(Incidentally, regarding the absurd accusation that an AfG win is equivalent to a return to Nazism, at my last big conference in Riga at Alexey’s church a few years ago, yours truly shared the stage with AfG Member of Parliament Herdt Waldemar, Israeli Knesset Member Yehuda Glick and a prominent Messianic Jewish church leader from Israel for two days of pro-Israel speeches and panel discussions.)

Second, big changes must take place to preserve American hegemony in the face of Russia’s BRICS alliance and to protect Israel from Russia’s Islamist “allies-of-necessity” (not Russia itself, which I believe wants good relations with Israel). These priorities are behind 1) the U.S. push to acquire Greenland and 2) the devil’s bargain with Turkey to remove Iran vassal Assad in Syria.

The Greenland acquisition is the back-up plan for ensuring sufficient supplies of rare earth elements needed for the U.S. to remain competitive with China (with whom we’ll soon be at war – hot or cold – under Trump). The original plan was to steal them from Russia while at the same time fulfilling the British forever-fantasy of totally subjugating the Russian Empire to British (NATO) vassalage. The Brits’ fingerprints are all over the Greenland fall-back scenario as seen here and here. (The Economist is still, I believe, the mouthpiece of the London-based Rothschild dynasty.)

The Assad take-down is a more problematic development that I will address in my next article: “Let’s talk Turkey about Islam.”

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The Jew who founded Christian History

My title above is not a reference to our Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ, at least not directly, but to the “father” of modern Christian history, August Neander. He is so named by the renowned church historian Philip Schaff who modeled his own more comprehensive work on that of Neander. I have just begun reading Schaff’s eight-volume series, “History of the Christian Church,” published in 1907, and am very impressed by his writing style and perspective, which reads like Scripture itself, emanating Holy Spirit grace and beauty in the form of prose.

Consider this tribute to Neander in Schaff’s “Preface to the Revised Edition”:

“History should be written from the original sources of friend and foe, in the spirit of truth and love, ‘sine ira et studio,’ ‘with malice toward none and charity for all,’ in clear, fresh, vigorous style, under the guidance of the twin parables of the mustard-seed and leaven, as a book of life for instruction, correction, encouragement, and as the best exposition and vindication of Christianity. The great and good Neander, ‘the father of church history’ – first an Israelite without guile hoping for the Messiah, then a Platonist longing for the realization of his ideal of righteousness, last a Christian in head and heart, made such a history his life-work, but before reaching the Reformation he was interrupted by sickness, and said to his sister: ‘Hannchen, I am weary; let us go home; good night!’ And thus he fell gently asleep, like a child, to awake in the land where all problems of history are solved.”

What an eloquent yet poetic eulogy – which says as much or more about Schaff as it does about Neander.

Sine ira et studio is a phrase coined by the Roman historian Tacitus meaning “without anger or bias,” (describing his own method of approach), while “with malice toward none and charity for all” is, of course, the most famous phrase of Abraham Lincoln’s landmark Second Inaugural Address. Schaff, the Swiss-born, German-trained Reform theologian, who devoted most of his life to Christian service in America, had special cause to cite Lincoln: The Pennsylvania seminary where Schaff taught Christian history was forced to close down due to the ravages of the Civil War, and he personally shared the spirit of that Lincoln speech on the healing power of unity and reconciliation, having pursued that goal in Christendom itself – to the point of calling on the Roman Catholic pope to renounce the doctrine of “papal infallibility” as a necessary step toward closing the Catholic/Protestant rift.

This article, however, is about August Neander, the German Ashkenazi Jew turned Christian whom Schaff honored throughout his life. And MY purpose here is to showcase Neander as an example supporting my thesis in today’s intra-church divide over “Zionism.” My thesis is that the Jews – more accurately Hebrews (since “Jew” biblically and historically meant Southern Kingdom Judean as opposed to Northern Kingdom Israelite) – are God’s “chosen people” primarily in the sense that He intends select ones of them to serve as examples of the best and worst of humanity (the “figs” of Jeremiah 24) – as measured by His law. Neander was one of the best.

Born as David Mendel, son of a Jewish peddler named Emmanuel Mendel, he adopted the name Neander (new man) upon his baptism as a Protestant Christian in 1806. He was often described by his contemporaries as “wide-hearted, truthful, sincere, free from all the stuff of vanity, affectionate, innocent and pure of heart.”

2020 article in the academic publication The Historical Journal explains that Neander was not just another Christian historian, but essentially a savior of the discipline:

“August Neander (1789–1850), developed a religiously driven conception of history which excited contemporaries across the Protestant world. … At a time when Hegelian and ‘scientific’ models of historical progress foretold a post-Christian future for civilization, Neander’s alternative idea of world history, centered on the leavening spread of the invisible church through contrasting forms of Christianity and culture, exercised a powerful sway over Protestant historians everywhere. His universalizing historical philosophy offered an appealing mode of self-understanding to the networks which translated his ideas into new settings. Appearing to afford a mode of securing Protestantism from the twin dangers of sectarianism and unbelief, Neander’s ‘unpartisan’ philosophy simultaneously became an important instrument of Protestant nation-building in the hands of the historians drawn towards it.” [Emphasis added.]

Put another way, “His guiding principle in dealing both with history and with the contemporary condition of the church was ‘that Christianity has room for the various tendencies of human nature, and aims at permeating and glorifying them all; that according to the divine plan these various tendencies are to occur successively and simultaneously and to counterbalance each other, so that the freedom and variety of the development of the spiritual life ought not to be forced into a single dogmatic form” (Otto Pfleiderer).

Neander essentially appears to have established “non-denominationalism” as a respected theological camp in Christendom, giving life in practical terms to the spiritual principle of 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 in which unity of purpose in Christ harmonizes the diversity of the members of the Body of Christ. And because of this, Neander’s work exemplifies the bedrock theological premise of Protestantism – the priesthood of all believers – more than any other Christian historian I have encountered.

The Jew David “Neander” Mendel was perfectly suited to rescue 19th-century Christianity from denominational polarization and partisanship by entering Christendom from the inseparable parallel universe of Judaism from which it sprang – just as the apostles had done. Indeed, the profundity and consequence of his conversion was likened by Schaff to that of Saul of Tarsus, known to us as the Apostle Paul.

I’ll close by citing a bit of relevant Bible history on the role of Jews in Christendom, circling back to my mention of Jesus Christ in the first paragraph: Jesus, the Hebrew who was also, by force of law, a Jew (Judean) because His stepfather, Joseph, was one (of the line of David, no less). This fact made Jesus legally entitled to become King of the Jews, per the prophecy of Jacob in Genesis 49:10, even though His actual father was Jehovah God. Facts matter, but without historians to preserve them they have no power to guide us. The Jew Neander the Historian is thus, in my assessment, a hero of the church.

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Francis and the false Jubilee

Let me start with a disclaimer. While I happen to have been raised Roman Catholic and served as an altar boy in our local parish for a time, I renounced Roman Catholicism in my early teens and am today merely an outside observer of its dramas and heresies. Yet, as a living person on planet earth, I have a stake in what the largest Christian denomination in the world decides to do in matters of geo-politics; and as a Christian pastor and long-time student of Bible prophecy, I have an even greater stake and a deep interest in matters of RCC theology and religious practice. To be clear, even though I strongly dispute many Catholic doctrines, I have had many Catholic friends over the years whom I recognize as exemplary Christians in character and conduct.

The current head of the Roman Catholic Church, one Jorge Mario Bergoglio, A.K.A. “Pope Francis,” is considered by my Catholic friends and many other traditionalist Catholics to be an “anti-Pope.” This title of “anti-Pope” – the RCC institutional version of a False Christ – is not merely a political or ideological characterization by disgruntled opponents, but an actual formal status in the ancient arcane polity of the RCC.

Neither is this accusation against Bergoglio a minor kerfluffle. On July 5, 2024, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a former papal nuncio to the United States no less, was excommunicated for “schism” for denying Bergoglio’s authority. When a simple seven-point summary of the basis for these Anti-Pope claims was offered by a highly respected Catholic analyst, the charges were not formally refuted by the church (as all such claims have been since the case against Felix V in the 1400s) which reluctance actually lends weight to them. In lieu of a Vatican rebuttal, a major Catholic media outlet attempted its own unofficial one. Other dissenters have been summarily purged.

Sometime after the 2013 installment of Bergoglio on the RCC throne, displacing the legitimate still-living, Pope Benedict, I went public with an educated hypothesis that Benedict had been subjected to the equivalent of a palace coup, orchestrated or at least facilitated by Barack Obama, to prevent Benedict from cleaning out a rat’s nest of homosexual activists in control of the church bureaucracy.

Benedict’s predecessor, Pope John Paul II, had strongly hinted of what others began calling the “Vatican gay mafia.” Benedict himself, in his prior role as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope John Paul II, had authored what I still consider to be the gold standard of guidance for Christians on ministry to “gays:”
the “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons.” He was, due to this wisdom and his high stature, the world’s greatest expert on the topic – and fully immune to any accusations of hate and bigotry.

So when Ratzinger became Pope Benedict and eventually went public with the result of his own investigation confirming the reality of the “gay” cabal, he became an existential threat to its political survival. Almost immediately came his sudden “resignation” and subsequent sequestration from public view on the Vatican grounds.

So overwhelming was the proof exposed by Benedict that “Francis” was himself forced to publicly admit of its truth, even as he began to serve the interests of those it exposed – in the steady incremental steps of a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist.

Later in 2016, in reported comments about his Memoirs, Benedict purportedly assured the faithful that his resignation was not forced, but I frankly never believed that he was allowed to speak freely on anything threatening to LGBT agenda of the Bergoglio regime, but was actually a prisoner of it.

However, I believe Benedict was able to convey one exceedingly important truth through more covert channels: A truth about Francis that was made public after Benedict’s death, which I addressed in my Jan. 23. 2023 WND column titled “Pope Benedict’s recently revealed antichrist letter.”

Benedict wrote, “As one sees the power of Antichrist spreading, one can only pray that the Lord will give us mighty shepherds to defend His Church against the power of evil in this hour of need.”

That was in 2015 when he had been in seclusion/captivity in Vatican City for over a year, and Francis and Obama were tag-teaming the 17 point blueprint for global government titled the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

Those facts bring end-time prophecy directly into the spotlight in regards to Francis’ declaration last week (his second in just ten years) that 2025 will be a “Year of Jubilee” (complete with indulgences). True Jubilees follow a 50 year calendar set by God in Leviticus 25, rooted in His time-keeping cycles of sevens (Jubilees are 7×7+1). No human power can override His calendar, though the RCC has long attempted to usurp this power for itself. That’s a separate doctrinal problem in its own right, but in the present case as world events flash warning signals of the imminence of the Antichrist’s reign and the global banking and political orders teeter on the brink of insolvency and chaos, this declaration of a year of economic debt-forgiveness and societal “liberation” of many forms (the essence of Jubilee’s purpose) frames Francis in the role of a Savior – just as Jesus claimed for Himself at the start of His ministry in Luke 4:16-20. “Francis” may well be casting himself as the White Horse of Revelation 6 (the false Christ) – holding aloft the “bow” (rainbow) that has come to define his rebelliousness against God. Or he may be setting the stage for someone else.

This development bears watching by all with an end times awareness.

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Donald Trump, the benign oligarch

Last week I read a piece at The Conservative Treehouse that highlighted President Trump’s magnanimity in inviting Ted Cruz to the stage at the AmFest conference:

“It is well remembered how duplicitous Ted! refused to endorse President Trump at the 2016 nomination convention and instead led the Never-Trump rebellion against the MAGA administration. It was recorded in history as likely the worst moment of political judgment in the era of MAGA; the only other moment of political tone-deafness that comes close, was when Ron DeSantis chose to challenge Trump again in the 2024 contest.”

I was suddenly reminded that the Cruz/DeSantis common denominator was the Bush Dynasty. Both of these men (and many other “Never Trumpers” like Mitt Romney) have in the past been “owned assets” of the Bush Clan in like manner to how players on a major league sports team are “owned.” Indeed, in regards to Gov. DeSantis, my WND column of May 23, 2023, was titled “The RINO Bush-DeSantis strategy for defeating Trump” and explained how the Bushies planned to use the governor to drive a wedge in MAGA to split the Christians from the populists in service to the Purple Uniparty (which plan thankfully failed).

To be clear, I’m a big fan of both Cruz and DeSantis today (both of whom are better defenders of Christian values than Trump is), and I’m glad we’re all back on the same team.

My bigger point is that most of America’s political celebrities in public office and in the media are “owned assets” of behind-the-scenes oligarchs, while in contrast, Donald Trump is an “owner” at the oligarch level who chose to become a player on the field because he has more talent for it than the players for hire – and because he IS actually disgusted at what the far left has done to this nation. Plus, Trump’s success in convincing the street-level populists that he’s just “one of us” with a larger bank account has inspired other oligarchs such as Elon Musk to emulate and partner with him (and prompted others like Zuck and Bezos to become wanna-bees).

The deep state-controlled corporate media has recently begin referring to Trump as an “oligarch,” almost certainly because the average American is conditioned to equate “oligarch” with “Russian,” and the deep state wants to wring every last drop of smear-value out of their Russian collusion hoax leading up to Trump’s negotiations to end the Ukraine war. (Watch for it: they will try to paint him as a potential sellout to Russia to bolster Ukraine’s position in the deal.)

Rather than join the chorus trying to deny Trump is an oligarch, I want to defang that psyop by admitting the plain truth that Trump IS an oligarch, and to show that in his case that’s not a bad thing at all. To do that I will briefly showcase Platos’s five stages of government in his most famous book, “Republic,” and how his model fits the American experience today. Wikipedia’s summary is apropos:

“In Books VIII–IX [of Plato’s ‘Republic’] … Plato categorized governments into five types of regimes: aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny.

“The starting point is an imagined, alternate aristocracy (ruled by a philosopher-king); a just government ruled by a philosopher-king, dominated by the wisdom-loving element. Aristocracy degenerates into timocracy when, due to miscalculation on the part of its governing class, the next generation includes persons of an inferior nature, inclined not just to cultivating virtues but also producing wealth. In a timocracy, governors will apply great effort in gymnastics and the arts of war, as well as the virtue that pertains to them, that of courage. [e.g., Teddy Roosevelt] As the emphasis on honor is compromised by wealth accumulation, it is replaced by oligarchy [robber barons]. The oligarchic government is dominated by the desiring element, in which the rich are the ruling class. Oligarchs do, however, value at least one virtue, that of temperance and moderation – not out of an ethical principle or spiritual concern, but because by dominating wasteful tendencies they succeed in accumulating money.

“As this socioeconomic divide grows, so do tensions between social classes. … In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger. The populism of the democratic government leads to mob rule, fueled by fear of oligarchy, which a clever demagogue [e.g., Obama/Obiden] can exploit to take power and establish tyranny where no one has discipline and society exists in chaos. In a tyrannical government, the city is enslaved to the tyrant, who uses his guards to remove the best social elements and individuals from the city to retain power (since they pose a threat), while leaving the worst. He will also provoke warfare to consolidate his position as leader. In this way, tyranny is the most unjust regime of all.” [Emphasis and bracketed comments added.]

It’s not hard to see a close semblance of this sequence in American history, if you put the founders in the role of a “constitutionalism-loving ideological aristocracy.” And it’s impossible to miss the LBJ/Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden-era transition from oligarch-fearing left-wing populism in the 1960s to outright tyranny over the past two decades. With hardly any editing the last three sentences of that excerpt could serve perfectly as the caption for a smirking photo of the rat pack I just named.

What Trump represents is something beyond and outside of Plato’s model: the attempt by a benign oligarch to intervene against the last-stage tyrants to rescue and restore this republic to the original vision of our founding “ideological aristocrats.”

The Plato summary states that “Oligarchs do, however, value at least one virtue, that of temperance and moderation – not out of an ethical principle or spiritual concern, but because by [reducing] wasteful tendencies they succeed in accumulating money.” Plato apparently did not allow for the possibility of an Oligarch WITH “ethical and spiritual concern,” and thus he did not anticipate men like Donald Trump.

While it is certainly true that Trump exemplifies the goal of “temperance and moderation” in social policies (when he should instead be firmly against “gay marriage” and abortion), and is a veritable force of nature against “wasteful tendencies” in government and foreign policy (which impact his self-admitted personal interest in “accumulating money”), he has clearly not acted solely from selfish desire for personal gain but has proven beyond all doubt through his self-less persistence against all odds – and attempted assassinations – that he does truly love America and Americans.

At this moment in time Donald Trump is the very picture of a tyranny-crushing benign oligarch and a model for governmental leaders all over the world. Were he alive today, even Plato would be forced to acknowledge that.

Let us pray that as his power in the world increases, his intentions and actions remain benign.

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My Christmas gift to WND readers

For much of the last six months, I have been working in secret on the most important book of my writing career: “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets … And Why They Matter to America Today.” My reading public has been waiting for a sixth edition of “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” but Kevin Abrams and I decided last summer to consider our fourth edition of 2002 our final collaboration, so I took the project solo in a new direction oriented toward the newly red-pilled masses of the MAGA movement – and with the new purpose of fighting the evil and dangerous “Groomer” agenda of today’s American LGBT movement. I kept it secret in the hope of taking the leftist censors by surprise and possibly going viral by word-of-mouth and grassroots networking before they can poison the public against it. That race is on.

So, for the first month, I’m giving the book away for free in easy-to-disseminate PDF format and asking your help in spreading it as far and wide as you can, as quickly as you can – including any email lists and free-speech-respecting social media you post to.

“Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” include 1) that the core of Nazism was always pederasty (man/boy sex), and 2) that Nazi-style pederasts founded and still facilitate the American “gay” movement. These facts are conclusively proven and documented in this 600-plus page exposé of the most banned and canceled truths of the 20th century and the still-hidden Nazi undercurrent of today’s DEI child-enslavement networks. There is almost nothing happening in America today under the LGBT banner that did not happen first in Nazi or pre-Nazi Germany.

I have devoted more than 30 years to the research this book is based upon, and have been persecuted and canceled more than any other American who has dared to publicly oppose LGBTism. Their last major effort to destroy me was an outrageously bogus and baseless federal lawsuit for “Crimes Against Humanity” (SMUG v. Lively) in the courtroom of the notorious left-wing judicial activist “Judge” Michael Ponsor of Massachusetts, recently forced to publicly apologize for unethical comments against Supreme Court Justice Alito. (This SMUG lawsuit was actually the fifth of five major lawfare attacks, the first one of which I lost in 1992 due to ineffective legal counsel – his first case out of law school – which motivated me to earn a law degree of my own.)

It was Ponsor’s former law clerk who spearheaded that six and a half year-long travesty (2012-2018), and led a team that peaked at 14 lawyers trying to spin my harmless and non-hateful comments about the “gay” agenda in Uganda as equivalent to murder and genocide. The whole nightmarish campaign operated under the umbrella of the grossly misnamed “Center for Constitutional Rights,” a Marxist law firm based at 666 Broadway in Manhattan, and cost my defense team, the heroic Liberty Counsel, more than $1.5 million to finally defeat.

Just before our final victory, however, the Ugandan lesbian plaintiff emailed us with a note that she had accepted Christ, repented of lesbianism and wanted to apologize for what had been done to me in her name. (I have a book in progress about this ordeal.) Some interesting photos and a screenshot of her email can be viewed here.

I wanted to share that experience with you to explain in part my rationale for going solo with this book. I don’t want anyone, especially my Jewish friend Kevin, who lives under the increasingly homo-fascist culture of Canada, to have to face what I have endured.

And yet, I cannot and will not be cowed into self-censorship by bullying. The elite powers such as the malicious Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Human Rights Campaign (HRC) who hate and fear my work may have caused me to be banned from virtually every public book-marketing venue in America, and to be de-banked and de-platformed from YouTube, PayPal, Amazon etcetera, but they cannot prevent private citizens from acquiring, reading and sharing my book amongst themselves and passing it to major influencers and other opinion-leaders through back channels.

So today, even though I’m about $20,000 in the red with this book project, I have decided I will make the PDF version of this book free to the public for the first 30 days, on the condition that the readers agree to be brave enough to share it with others and try to help this topic go viral in the MAGA movement in the hope it can strengthen the anti-Groomer movement and rescue America’s children from the clutches of the LGBTs.

To get your free copy of “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” simply visit my bookstore here.

Of course, I hope you’ll also donate to my ministry while you’re there, but it’s not mandatory because I care far more about rescuing the children than I do about raising money. The bookstore is my private business so donations there are NOT tax deductible, but if you want a deduction, you could donate to Scott Lively Ministries. Again, however, the PDF version of the book is entirely free to everyone with no strings attached or “suggested donation” expected.

The print version of the book will not be published and offered for sale until 2025 – marking exactly 30 years from the publication of the first edition of “The Pink Swastika.”

I intend “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” to be my final effort on this topic.

Frankly, even if the book doesn’t go viral or make a big splash in the MAGA universe, I’m very happy just to have a sense of closure on this three-decade-long project that has been so central to my Christian ministry, and has opened doors for public speaking events, media interviews and consultation with social and political leaders all over the world. My travel list as of this year is 68 countries, invitations to many of which were due to my expertise on the topic of this book.

I really hope that you will accept my free gift and will read it for your own edification and empowerment. You will learn many important and shocking facts that have been deliberately suppressed for a very long time. And if you’re an active participant in the anti-Groomer efforts of the MAGA movement, you will have powerful new ammunition for the fight to save the kids. Godspeed to you in that work.

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A MAGA message to young American Christians

“The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31)

“You are to rise in the presence of the elderly, honor the aged, and fear your God. I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 19:32)

Adventures in “testimonial evangelism,” part 1: About a year and a half ago, I decided I would retire from service on the front lines of the culture war on my 67th birthday, Dec. 14, 2024. In the tradition of old soldiers from time immemorial, I would withdraw to my farm in the country and write my memoirs – attempting to contribute wisdom and perspectives from a lifetime of lessons learned on the battlefield to young soldiers just entering the fray. Two weeks ago, I had what was likely a heart attack on a day that for me involved intense culture-war stress. God was apparently confirming my choice to de-escalate and embrace the role and identity of the “hoary head.” Today, on my birthday, I begin my new venture that I will pursue (in calmness and submission to Christ’s “peace that passes all understanding”) until He decides it is time to bring me home to Him.

Testimonial evangelism is a lost art in Christendom, but I will attempt to show an example of it for the rest of my life, following the model of Paul. A modern exemplar of that lifestyle, and a personal hero of mine when I was a baby Christian, was the late Henry Morris, founder of the Creation Research Institute, who wrote this about Paul:

“The apostle Paul many times urged his readers to follow his example in living the Christian life. To the Philippians, Paul said: ‘Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample’ (Philippians 3:17).

“The initial reaction to such exhortations is to think of Paul as arrogant. To the believers in the Corinthian church, he said: ‘Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me’ (1 Corinthians 4:16). To those at Thessalonica, he said: ‘For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you. … Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us’ (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9).

“At the same time, Paul considered himself to be ‘the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle’ (1 Corinthians 15:9). Later he called himself ‘less than the least of all saints’ (Ephesians 3:8), and finally he said that he was even the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).

“In no way was the apostle Paul an egotist. Nevertheless, he knew that his converts needed an example to see, as well as precepts to learn. The Lord Jesus Christ, of course, is our real example (1 Peter 2:21). But by living a life patterned after Christ, Paul could say: ‘Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ’ (1 Corinthians 11:1).”

Like my model Paul, I want everyone to understand that any good in me is the work of Christ and He deserves all glory. But like Paul, I also eschew “false modesty” as a satanic strategy to undermine Christ’s command to ALL Christians in Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

God has blessed me with a spiritually rich and exciting life packed with story-worthy experiences all over the world that magnify Him, and I am eager to share them. My intended audience is young Christians with a passion for serving Christ, and to whom I exhort: Follow your own course set by the Holy Spirit and avoid the rutted paths of tradition for its own sake. Trust Jesus, not those who would set themselves between you and Him as your “high priest,” no matter how well-intentioned they may be (Hebrews 4:15-16).

To start with, I must admit I walk a lonely path in matters at the forefront of theological and political analysis today, because I don’t have both feet in any of the established ideological camps. I am pro-Israel and pro-Russian. I am neither a “Christian Zionist” nor an “Anti-Zionist” but hold my own version of the Millennialist doctrine shared intermittently by Christian and Jewish factions since the rise of the Hebraic Movement in Christendom during the Spanish Inquisition. And I believe the most important forgotten truth of Bible is the essential centrality of the two house doctrine as the key to understanding Bible history and prophecy. Most Christians don’t have a clue what I mean by that because greater Christendom has largely shunned the two house doctrine since the mid-1800s when false and corrupted versions of it were adopted and promoted by various cults. Unlike those Christians who claim to be Bible literalists but actually “spiritualize” all the Bible passages that do not conform to their post-millennial or amillennial views, I take Scripture at face value and conform my views to it.

Keeping to this lonely path has only been possible because my faith and trust in Jesus Christ has been purified by the “refiners fire” of persecution for having taken on the principalities and powers of the global LGBT movement. I have persisted in the Cause of Christ through 30 years of vicious character assassination, dirty tricks of every kind, social “cancellation” that long predates the MAGA movement and five major lawfare attacks as brutal as anything leveled against President Trump (but with very little public attention, of course, befitting my lowly status in the conservative movement). Virtually everything the left has done to Trump they did to me first (except attempted assassination – as far as I know), but I had to face it with only a relative handful of supporters and a small donation-based income.

The choice ever before me in those years was to surrender to the pressure and back off to a state of self-censorship and compromise, or to press on and “double down” in the belief that the Lord would protect and eventually vindicate me. I always chose to press on, even to the point of running for governor of Massachusetts – twice – as an escalation tactic. The most valuable thing I learned through all that was that true “freedom in Christ” includes not just liberation from “the law of sin and death” but freedom from the traditions and expectations of men.

I frankly just don’t care what other people think as long as I am confident that I am correctly hearing and following the Holy Spirit in my actions. If this were true of more Christians, we would rule America and by extension the world like the Shining City on a Hill envisioned by our Founders. Instead, we’re still cowering to our Marxists overlords who rejoice that theologically naïve MAGA is embracing so-called “gay marriage” while triumphantly patting itself on the back for partially slowing the trans agenda.

The main takeaway I offer you today is that the greatest of all threats to Christendom is the LGBT agenda – a case I prove resoundingly from the Bible in my book “The Petros Prophecy.” Buy the book here or view the free Beta version here. If your intention as a Christian is to Make America Great Again (as the Founders envisioned it), you must first recognize that goal is literally impossible if the entire poisonous tree of the LGBT political agenda is not first uprooted from our soil. Tolerance for privacy, yes, acceptance as public policy, never.

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Assad takedown is Ukraine negotiation tactic

For the people who really run the world, geopolitics is a three-dimensional chess game in which seeming unrelated moves are actually coordinated. It’s an extraordinarily complex game that is never explained to the rest of us, but can be discerned (in part) by diligent observers with a big-picture mindset and the gift of objective analytical circumspection – meaning the ability to look at all the available factors honestly, without personal bias or conformity to pre-set information filters created for us by the spooks who steer the narratives of the “mainstream media.”

I don’t see many American leaders who operate that way, but I think Tulsi Gabbard is one of them and believe she is an excellent choice to oversee the intelligence agencies for President Trump. In my view she not only has correctly assessed the world situation regarding Russia, but has shown impressive courage in stating her perspective publicly in contradiction to the official narratives being pushed on us by the very intelligence agencies she will soon oversee. I believe (and the Twitter files confirm) it is they who decide how the media spin the news, which means (if I am correct) that Tulsi may become the most important figure in the second Trump administration next to Trump himself. Because, if the spooks are forced to stop pushing manipulative lies on the public through the media, tens of millions of currently non-MAGA Americans may quickly be red-pilled by reality.

I didn’t intend to laud Tulsi Gabbard when I sat down to write this piece, but it just sort of flowed out naturally, and it fits the theme so I’ll leave it in. My main intention is to explain why I believe the Syria takedown is a U.S./NATO-orchestrated maneuver using NATO member Turkey. I view this as an attempt to put Russia on its back foot as negotiations over Ukraine move from backroom diplomatic prep-talks into open bargaining in the public view.

The Syria blitz was obviously long-planned, and helps explain Ukraine’s “head-scratcher” Kursk incursion into Russia for little discernible military advantage. Why did NATO have Ukraine divert some its best troops to strategically meaningless Kursk when the Ukrainian defense was collapsing all along the Donbas front?

Yes, in negotiations it’s common to trade like for like (e.g., prisoner exchanges) to further a sense of equity in the final deal, but when the proposed like for like trade is too imbalanced it can have the opposite effect. Such would be the case in Russia’s eyes regarding the trade of Kursk for any part of the Donbas.

But what if the trade was not Kursk for Donbas, but the Tartus Russian naval base in Syria for the port city of Odessa? Stay with me while I put the pieces together.

It’s now obvious to me in retrospect that NATO wanted to pin down all of Russia’s reserves so they could not be sent to help Assad. But what aspect of the fall of Syria strengthens NATO in the Ukraine negotiations?

It is the fact that Russia’s only naval base in the Middle East is in Syria. I was reminded of that by an article I read on the day Damascus fell but since can’t find. In my search, however, I stumbled on this article by “Radio Free Europe” – the very epitome of American propaganda for world consumption. It is titled “Losing Syria Is A ‘Huge Slap In The Face’ For Russia” (and has since appeared on top-MAGA aggregator Citizen Free Press).

It contains two key statements that are factual and bolster my hypothesis:

“Syria is home to two major Russia military installations: an air base in Hmeimim and a naval base in Tartus. The latter is Russia’s only warm-water naval base and provides Moscow access to the Mediterranean Sea.”

“Russia is already heavily invested in a major counteroffensive to regain captured territory in its southwestern Kursk region that it lost to Ukraine, to the point that it is relying on help from North Korean troops. At the same time, it is trying to take as much territory as it can in Ukraine’s east before possible peace talks.”

Now, expecting Russia to give up any part of the four oblasts on the Donbas line is simply a non-starter for Russia. Putin has made this clear, and he has the clear military advantage now in Ukraine – having proven he can keep rolling up slow and steady gains indefinitely despite NATOs best efforts – as Ukraine weakens proportionally. I don’t think he wants any other part of Ukraine for anything but a buffer zone – certainly not Kyiv which would be nothing but a headache to manage under occupation.

Frankly, the “Russian expansionism” boogeyman is pure baseless fear-mongering – except for Odessa.

Once NATO had crossed Russia’s red line on incorporating Ukraine and refused to back down, invading Ukraine became a defensive military necessity for Russia on par with the Cuban Missile Crisis for America. My WND column of March 21, 2022, explained this in reference to our Monroe Doctrine.

In its Special Military Operation, Crimea was the most critical territory for Russia to reclaim – the strategic equivalent of Hawaii to the U.S. Next, liberating the four ethnically Russian and Russian-speaking Oblasts (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia) from literal Ukrainian neo-Nazis who had killed 14,000 civilians in Lugansk and Donestsk since the Obama/Clinton/Soros coup in 2014, was both a moral obligation and a strategic imperative in the face of NATO intentions to base nukes there within reach of Moscow. These objectives were fully consistent with international law and America’s own military history, in my view.

Western spin and war-propaganda aside, Putin has been very careful to ensure his actions fall squarely within the laws of war – and has only escalated to questionable tactics, such as cluster munitions, after Ukraine used them. Indeed, this tit-for-tat policy suggests Putin’s escalation counterplay in response to the Syria maneuver will be for Odessa.

Odessa has always been the cherry on the cake in Russian eyes – a Russian possession from antiquity with enormous military and economic value, and Ukraine’s only remaining access to the oceans of the world. And it is the key to establishing a land-bridge to the Russian break-away territory in Moldova, Transnistria.

Interestingly, Odessa has been strangely absent from the news for a long time now, suggesting that both sides are up to their eyeballs in clandestine activities there that may soon be revealed. The biggest question in my mind if Russia take Odessa, is whether they would actually give it up in trade for their bases in Syria.

For the people who really run the world, geopolitics is a three-dimensional chess game in which seeming unrelated moves are actually coordinated. It’s an extraordinarily complex game that is never explained to the rest of us, but can be discerned (in part) by diligent observers with a big-picture mindset and the gift of objective analytical circumspection – meaning the ability to look at all the available factors honestly, without personal bias or conformity to pre-set information filters created for us by the spooks who steer the narratives of the “mainstream media.”

I don’t see many American leaders who operate that way, but I think Tulsi Gabbard is one of them and believe she is an excellent choice to oversee the intelligence agencies for President Trump. In my view she not only has correctly assessed the world situation regarding Russia, but has shown impressive courage in stating her perspective publicly in contradiction to the official narratives being pushed on us by the very intelligence agencies she will soon oversee. I believe (and the Twitter files confirm) it is they who decide how the media spin the news, which means (if I am correct) that Tulsi may become the most important figure in the second Trump administration next to Trump himself. Because, if the spooks are forced to stop pushing manipulative lies on the public through the media, tens of millions of currently non-MAGA Americans may quickly be red-pilled by reality.

I didn’t intend to laud Tulsi Gabbard when I sat down to write this piece, but it just sort of flowed out naturally, and it fits the theme so I’ll leave it in. My main intention is to explain why I believe the Syria takedown is a U.S./NATO-orchestrated maneuver using NATO member Turkey. I view this as an attempt to put Russia on its back foot as negotiations over Ukraine move from backroom diplomatic prep-talks into open bargaining in the public view.

The Syria blitz was obviously long-planned, and helps explain Ukraine’s “head-scratcher” Kursk incursion into Russia for little discernible military advantage. Why did NATO have Ukraine divert some its best troops to strategically meaningless Kursk when the Ukrainian defense was collapsing all along the Donbas front?

Yes, in negotiations it’s common to trade like for like (e.g., prisoner exchanges) to further a sense of equity in the final deal, but when the proposed like for like trade is too imbalanced it can have the opposite effect. Such would be the case in Russia’s eyes regarding the trade of Kursk for any part of the Donbas.

But what if the trade was not Kursk for Donbas, but the Tartus Russian naval base in Syria for the port city of Odessa? Stay with me while I put the pieces together.

It’s now obvious to me in retrospect that NATO wanted to pin down all of Russia’s reserves so they could not be sent to help Assad. But what aspect of the fall of Syria strengthens NATO in the Ukraine negotiations?

It is the fact that Russia’s only naval base in the Middle East is in Syria. I was reminded of that by an article I read on the day Damascus fell but since can’t find. In my search, however, I stumbled on this article by “Radio Free Europe” – the very epitome of American propaganda for world consumption. It is titled “Losing Syria Is A ‘Huge Slap In The Face’ For Russia” (and has since appeared on top-MAGA aggregator Citizen Free Press).

It contains two key statements that are factual and bolster my hypothesis:

“Syria is home to two major Russia military installations: an air base in Hmeimim and a naval base in Tartus. The latter is Russia’s only warm-water naval base and provides Moscow access to the Mediterranean Sea.”

“Russia is already heavily invested in a major counteroffensive to regain captured territory in its southwestern Kursk region that it lost to Ukraine, to the point that it is relying on help from North Korean troops. At the same time, it is trying to take as much territory as it can in Ukraine’s east before possible peace talks.”

Now, expecting Russia to give up any part of the four oblasts on the Donbas line is simply a non-starter for Russia. Putin has made this clear, and he has the clear military advantage now in Ukraine – having proven he can keep rolling up slow and steady gains indefinitely despite NATOs best efforts – as Ukraine weakens proportionally. I don’t think he wants any other part of Ukraine for anything but a buffer zone – certainly not Kyiv which would be nothing but a headache to manage under occupation.

Frankly, the “Russian expansionism” boogeyman is pure baseless fear-mongering – except for Odessa.

Once NATO had crossed Russia’s red line on incorporating Ukraine and refused to back down, invading Ukraine became a defensive military necessity for Russia on par with the Cuban Missile Crisis for America. My WND column of March 21, 2022, explained this in reference to our Monroe Doctrine.

In its Special Military Operation, Crimea was the most critical territory for Russia to reclaim – the strategic equivalent of Hawaii to the U.S. Next, liberating the four ethnically Russian and Russian-speaking Oblasts (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia) from literal Ukrainian neo-Nazis who had killed 14,000 civilians in Lugansk and Donestsk since the Obama/Clinton/Soros coup in 2014, was both a moral obligation and a strategic imperative in the face of NATO intentions to base nukes there within reach of Moscow. These objectives were fully consistent with international law and America’s own military history, in my view.

Western spin and war-propaganda aside, Putin has been very careful to ensure his actions fall squarely within the laws of war – and has only escalated to questionable tactics, such as cluster munitions, after Ukraine used them. Indeed, this tit-for-tat policy suggests Putin’s escalation counterplay in response to the Syria maneuver will be for Odessa.

Odessa has always been the cherry on the cake in Russian eyes – a Russian possession from antiquity with enormous military and economic value, and Ukraine’s only remaining access to the oceans of the world. And it is the key to establishing a land-bridge to the Russian break-away territory in Moldova, Transnistria.

Interestingly, Odessa has been strangely absent from the news for a long time now, suggesting that both sides are up to their eyeballs in clandestine activities there that may soon be revealed. The biggest question in my mind if Russia take Odessa, is whether they would actually give it up in trade for their bases in Syria.

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MAGA must push the LGBT agenda back in the closet

The elites’ greatest scam in the history of politics was convincing the right to self-identify as “conservatives” – as in “conserving the status quo” – while empowering “progressives” to direct the “tide of history” through steady incremental movement to the left. They turned the Marxist dialectic into a political dance in which the progressives lead by taking two steps to the left, then allow the conservatives to move them one single step back to the right. Then the two dance partners repeat that pattern endlessly all around the political ballroom. Two steps forward, one step back equals step by step perpetual leftward movement toward “progress” as the left defines it. The left steers and controls the process, and the conservatives mindlessly follow, thinking their one-step “pushbacks” are actual victories, rather than brief pauses.

My career as a Christian social activist of the Reagan Revolution has been focused on fighting the rise of sexual anarchy and its destructive effects on civilization. But, despite sometimes adopting the label because we literally have no vocabulary to describe “right-wing progressivism,” I’m not a “conservative.” Instead I follow the founders’ vision for “a shining city on a hill” (a biblical model) in which civilization is marriage and family centered, there is true respect for God and His natural order in all of its aspects, and the best interests of children temper all public policy. For all its flaws, there’s never been a better example of that than America in the 1950s. Its best elements should be revived as part of a foundation for something even better: not a return to the past, but a plan for the future.

Importantly, the 1950s was also the beginning of hardcore LGBT activism. The special emphasis of my ministry has been against the LGBT movement, which is essentially an army of satanically energized change agents who have been unleashed on the world by the “progressives” to normalize every form of sexual deviance. They are in the final stage of that transformation with their Maoist-style Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agenda whose purpose is to impose an LGBT-driven social credit system over all aspects of society and culture globally – complete with punishment-backed mandates specially targeted against Christians and conservatives.

The election victory of Donald Trump, made possible by his own counter-army of anti-DEI MAGA patriots, gives me hope. If MAGA can make the parasitic DEI DIE before it can kill what’s left of the Bible-based patriarchal order at the heart of Western civilization, there’s a chance we could see normalcy fully restored in America.

Unfortunately, it will take far more than just ending DEI to accomplish that, and if MAGA adopts a “conservative” approach to the problem, it will utterly fail by “conserving the status quo” on things like “gay marriage” and the fantasy of “gay conservatism” instead of rolling back the sexual anarchy agenda to its starting point. They will, for all practical purposes, finish the work of the hard left by normalizing yesterday’s LGBT victories, even while celebrating today’s very temporary partial “victory” over the “trans” agenda. And by mindlessly playing their assigned part in the Marxist dialectic, they would themselves ensure the “trans” agenda will be normalized tomorrow after a brief pause. Again, that’s how the Marxist dialectic works: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – and why we’re in today’s existential crisis.

One might be tempted to think that “conservatism” would have validity as a MAGA label if we just identified the culture and values of the founders as what we want to conserve – and openly admitted that getting back to that standard means a far more ambitious remodeling project than just rearranging a few federal agencies and jailing some J6 and COVID-lockdown tyrants. But “conservatism” implies saving something that still exists – and sadly, many traditional norms and values have been stolen from us and replaced by the Cultural Marxists. No, there is no remedy now but re-creation of those foundations according to original intent.

Perhaps the best framework for understanding what must be done is my five-point scale The Five Stages of Homofascism: 1) tolerance, 2) acceptance, 3) celebration, 4) forced participation in “gay” culture, and 5) punishment of dissenters, which I explained in a 2019 WND column.

In the 1950s America was at stage one, granting tolerance to those suffering same sex attraction disorder (SSAD) to the extent that they functioned as a discrete subculture outside the mainstream. True marriage and the natural family held cultural primacy, and our laws protected those institutions – for example, criminalizing and publicly discouraging adultery and pro-actively raising children with the expectation they would one day be moms and dads of their own family. We had a workable balance then, because the “gays” stayed in the closet and the rest of us granted them what they said they wanted: the right to be left alone.

The huge mistake we made was allowing the God-hating Cultural Marxist “progressives” in Hollywood, academia and government to chip away at legal protections for marriage and family while normalizing “sexual freedom,” using “gay liberation” to recruit an LGBT army. I described that process in my WND column of Aug. 1, 2022, “The LGBT strategy to gain constitutional protection.”

Today we are at stage five and on the very edge of collapse as a civilization because of it. So morally compromised have we become as a society that it took the nationwide normalization of child sexual mutilation and the literal grooming of an entire generation of young children to wake up the public enough to back Trump and MAGA to reverse the process.

We hope and pray this chaos can be ended and sanity restored but we’ll never see anything more than a temporary reprieve if we don’t cut that tree down to the roots. We need to roll the LGBT agenda back to the “tolerance” stage of the 1950s and diligently prevent that lifestyle and condition from ever again achieving “acceptance” as a false-equivalent to heterosexual normalcy. Let people who choose to follow that lifestyle enjoy the right to privacy, within reason, so long as they agree never again to try and remake society in their own image.

We must learn the painful lesson of the Boy Scouts of America, which held the line against homofascism for decades – winning a landmark victory in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale recognizing their right NOT to tolerate open homosexuals as members or leaders. But once Obama got into office, he tasked Bush 43 Defense Secretary Robert Gates to break them down – which he did (just as he had done with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military). Once the BSA was forced to accept homosexuality as normal, it crashed and burned – just like America as a whole has done culturally and for the exact same reason. Sexual perversion destroys the social order.

Mark my words as a 30-year, front-lines, pro-family activist: MAGA’s anti-DEI efforts will have no more lasting effect than the Boys Scouts v. Dale ruling if the LGBT agenda is not pushed back into the closet where it belongs and stays contained there by new laws protecting normalcy.

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Will Israel nuke the Iranian Balrog?

According to an increasing number of pundits, World War III has already begun with this or that global event, but so far none of the governments embroiled in it has formally made that admission. So, as I see it, we remain merely “on the brink,” and our focus should be on agents of chaos like Joe Biden who are trying to push us over the edge. The questions we should seek to answer are: “Who benefits?” “Why do they want it?” and “What factors and precedents can we study for clues to how this war will play out if it actually occurs?”

I’ve largely addressed the “who” and “why” in my prior two articles in this series, “The top elites want Trump to run their pending war” and “3 steps Trump should take to prevent WWIII.” I’ll take a pass on rehashing the domestic dreams and tactics of the American far left in this context, which are obvious and predictable. But I will add that I think the warmongers’ list of key foreign-policy objectives for this war is short and quickly achievable (perhaps just a single item) so the whole thing could be over in a matter of days or weeks, rather than months or years.

One reason it would be short-lived is the likelihood it would involve a limited use of nukes – because nukes are reportedly the only way to destroy Iran’s most advanced nuclear weapons facilities deep in the belly of mountains, like the Balrog in the Lord of the Rings.

Not to be flippant about world war, but if I were the war planner on this strike of likely several missiles in rapid sequence, I’d name the final penetration bomb “Gandalf” to put the whole matter in a relatable pop-culture context. For those who don’t speak LOTR, the wizard Gandalf-the-Grey killed the ancient Balrog demon in epic hand-to-hand combat in the deepest, fiery caverns beneath the roots of the Misty Mountains.

Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” especially as interpreted in film by Peter Jackson, is an unmistakable Christian allegory in fantasy form that takes plenty of literary license, but the Balrog concept is clearly drawn from the Old Testament association of demons with mountains – such as Baal Peor in Moab (Numbers 25:3; 31:16; Joshua 22:17) and Baal Zephon on today’s Turkish/Syria border.

Christian pastors don’t typically teach on demonology these days, let alone the present-day implications of ancient spiritual realities, but contemplating such things is a hobby of mine, and I’ve published two books on the topic (“Dynasty of Darkness” Vol. 1 and 2). In these studies I have come to believe that casting out demons was what Jesus meant when He said, “[I]f you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done” (Matthew 21:21). It’s at least plausible that He wasn’t talking about a pile of dirt and rock, but about the demons who dwell in mountains (and are worshiped on “high places”) just as He personally cast a legion of demons out of the mountain-dwelling Gerasene demoniac (up on today’s Golan Heights) into a herd of pigs that then plunged to their death into the Sea of Galilee (Mark 5:2-20).

Ancient Persia (Iran) shared the belief in mountain-based spiritual entities and reached its peak as a world power in those years. Interestingly, it turns out there is a variation on this same theme in Persian mythology (in which the demon is the one casting a righteous hero into the sea) depicted in artwork here.

In any case, I think the Balrog analogy nicely suits the topic of nuking Iran’s nukes, which I think is at or near the top of the short list of WWIII objectives – if not the sole must-do priority.

I don’t think anyone on the planet but Iran wants Iran to have nukes, and that includes Russia, despite their current military alliance-of-necessity. (I can’t see Orthodox Christian Russia’s current partnership with Communist China and Islamist Iran surviving long if other options – such as an anti-Marxist partnership with a re-Christianized MAGA-controlled U.S. – were available.)

The U.S., to preserve our exclusive precedent of using nukes in the extreme exigencies of war (which, sad to admit, was a huge factor in gaining global dominance in the first place) would likely pull the trigger on that action. Less likely but possibly it would be Israel. Either way much of the world would secretly celebrate the result, even as they publicly deplored the use of nukes to achieve it.

I’m going to mix metaphors now by looking to Nazi history for another analogy, using the Baal Zephor reference above as a convenient segue. The demon Baal Zephor was also called Hadad, the Canaanite God of Storms. This same demon was known as Woton in Nordic mythology/demonology: the source of the Nazi “Sturmabteiling” or Storm Trooper moniker. SA founder Ernst Roehm, and as many as 2,000 others, were murdered by Hitler in the weekend of political assassinations known as the Night of the Long Knives to bring the SA fully under Hitler’s control. The Night of the Long Knives has ever since served as a metaphor for packing all of ones unpleasant military/criminal/political tasks into a short high-speed, high-energy sequence of actions.

My alternate title for this column was “The Winter of the Long Knives” because I think that’s the closest precedent we’ve got in modern history for how WWIII would likely play out. If it takes that form, it would happen soon and be all done but for the treaty negotiations by Trump’s inauguration. This way Trump couldn’t be blamed for it, so if the other belligerents declined to participate in peace talks or treaty negotiations, his role as commander in chief during further hostilities would be untainted by the actions of his predecessors. If, in contrast, the other parties agreed to end hostilities, Trump would instantly become the great peacemaker who saved the world (but, in light of end time prophecy, hopefully comes up with something other than a seven-year peace plan). Frankly, he’d earn that title even if world war continued for a while, so long as he made peace his aim and eventually achieved it.

If Israel were to do the nuking, the “fallout” (pun intended) would be so much more serious that I think the chance of that is slim as a practical matter – but in regards to prophecy could set many last days events in motion.

All this is, of course, speculation based on current events as I perceive them from a wide range of news sources and commentators, tempered by a biblical worldview that assumes we’re on the cusp of a transition from the time of man to the literal thousand-year Millennial Kingdom of Christ. I don’t think its mere coincidence that all the world has its eyes fixed on Israel as it ponders news reports about wars and rumors of wars – for the first time chronicling the use of nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles (the U.S. testing one in the Pacific on election night – Russia actually using a conventionally armed one in a Ukraine strike).

But my speculations have a decent track record for accuracy, as evidenced by a story that just broke as I composed this final paragraph, re-titled by Citizen Free Press as “NATO boss kisses the Mar a Lago ring,” implicitly bolstering my theory of an elites’ backroom surrender to Trump on which I began this series.

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Can Trump Prevent WWIII?

WND recently published my article “The top elites want Trump to run their pending war” in which I further elaborated on my theory that Donald Trump forced them to dismantle their barriers to his second term and let him back in the White House. What they’ve surrendered to is letting Trump take on the challenge of preserving the American Empire in his own way – which is dramatically different from their own Ukraine-centered, Russian scapegoating, global bullying strategy. Trump and the top tier elites share the goal of preserving U.S. military and economic global dominance but are polar opposites on Cultural Marxism and the battle between nationalism and “one world” globalism.

Trump’s win means he gets the chance to roll back socialism and restore constitutionalism against their will on the domestic front while pursuing their common priority internationally. This was the same general trade-off Reagan had, but, importantly, Trump’s agenda adds the component of anti-“one world” globalism. In this context, Trump’s “nationalism” might better be termed “international federalism” because it clearly presumes an international order in which nations remain cooperating independent sovereigns and not mere components of single global Marxist conglomerate like the neo-Soviet European Union strives to be.

They surrendered to Trump not just because he beat them politically, but because Vladimir Putin beat them militarily in Ukraine. When their military failure became so obvious in 2023 that they could no longer contain the situation with war propaganda, they fell back to Plan B: the much riskier Israel/Hamas gambit, which is mostly limited to the Iran problem and related Middle East objectives. I have contended since it happened that the all-too-real Oct. 7, 2023, massacre was allowed to happen for that purpose. I believe they let slip the rabid dogs of Hamas deliberately to shift the “Eye of Sauron” media focus away from Ukraine (which I disapprove), and create the justification for de-nuking Iran (which goal I endorse, if not the duplicitous staging.)

Are the elites truly that evil? Ask the hundred million plus innocent unborn babies they’ve slaughtered worldwide (including in Israel) by normalizing abortion as a population-reduction tactic. Or maybe we should ask the entire generation of dead and maimed Ukrainian men sacrificed as cannon fodder proxies in a 100% preventable NATO- orchestrated war.

Let’s review what’s really happening in the world of geopolitics – as seen from outside the bubble of neocon propaganda constantly being spewed by the corporate media of the U.S., U.K. and European Union.

Massive corruption and abuse of power by the Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden tag-team cabal over the past several decades has bankrupted America, poisoned much of the world against us and driven a growing alliance of would-be competitors to formalize and implement a plan to end our global hegemony. The greatest threat their BRICS network represents is to the U.S. dollar’s dominance as the world’s reserve currency. If BRICS develops a way to dethrone the dollar, we will (supposedly) collapse like a house of cards under an avalanche of debt we have no ability to pay – some $36 trillion worth – or higher by some accounts. Our fall would be swift and spectacular – creating a political vacuum into which the BRICS nations would flow to replace us with their vision of a new multi-polar order.

Obviously, that existential threat has – in the warped minds of the elite megalomaniacs who rule us – warranted extreme measures, which included the anti-Trump color revolution and coup of 2020, facilitated by the global deployment of their COVID bio-weapon and imposition of de facto medical martial law. In one fell swoop they intended to crush the rapidly growing worldwide populist uprising that threatened their grip on the levers of national and international power AND at the same time intimidate the BRICS nations into submission in classic Mafia style.

To invoke the old Chinese idiom, they intended to “kill the chicken to scare the monkey.” But to their shock, the populist chicken (led by the MAGA movement in the U.S.) didn’t die. Instead it got stronger and began pushing back even harder, not just against the fake vaccine but also against government-coerced censorship, manipulative fake-news narratives, forced DEI lunacy and child-grooming … and the proxy war in Ukraine. That was only possible because MAGA’s champion, Donald Trump, did not retreat after J6 but redoubled his efforts.

So now we’ve all been rewarded with front-row seats to the greatest show on earth as a greatly wiser and fully unshackled President-elect Trump begins the process of draining the swamp and restoring America’s greatness – not just domestically, but internationally.

I think President Trump can prevent World War III during his delayed second term by doing three things:

First, by embracing some form of the BRICS multi-polar vision on the condition that the dollar remains the sole world currency for international trade. This would further his goal of withdrawing the United States from the roles of international policeman, babysitter and financial sugar-daddy, while earning the appreciation and respect of those BRICS nations being entrusted as true partners in international matters, no longer treated as mere vassals of the U.S. This would mean ending the top-down divide-and-conquer polarization model for international relations established long ago by the British Empire and replacing it with the model of international federalism mentioned above.

Second, by developing a partnership with Putin and Russia based upon our mutual Christian history and cultural foundations to 1) fully drain the swamp of Marxism globally, starting with the European Union; and 2) constrain Islamist expansion everywhere, starting with Islamist-targeted Christian nations like Nigeria. In my view the only reason Russia is militarily allied with Shiite Iran is to counter the U.S. alliance with the Sunni majority headed by Saudi Arabia. A U.S./Russia alliance on Islam and Middle East policy would completely transform the geopolitical dynamics, provide the opportunity to compel Iran to de-nuke without resort to military force, and protect Israel from destruction by the Islamic world by removing Russia’s incentive to ally with Israel’s enemies as a tactic of self-defense. Russia instead would be an ally of Israel, which I believe Putin would prefer.

Three, the lynchpin making the prior elements possible would be NATO and the Russian Federation entering into a mutual non-expansion agreement. What’s really driving all these currently failing international policies is the Mackinder theory of geopolitics held forever by the British (and by extension the Americans) that if Russia gains control of the Eurasian plateau it would become an unstoppable world power. If Russia formally abandoned any dream of a restored Soviet Union (which I don’t think it wants) and NATO ended its encroachment/encirclement strategy for containing Russia, then the threat of WWIII would fade dramatically.

All this, of course, assumes that the elites won’t start WWIII before Trump’s inauguration. I’ll address that issue in my next column.

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Strip gov’t-funded media of 1st Amendment protection

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The lofty ideals of the First Amendment have inspired humanity and rightfully swelled American citizens with pride from their first articulation on the world stage almost 250 years ago. For the first time in history a government had been formed with limited powers delegated to it by the citizenry. When those implied limitations were deemed not sufficiently clarified in the United States Constitution, the people added the Bill of Rights to paint unmistakable lines on the pavement to keep the federal government in its own lane. It included the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to add guardrails on either side to clarify that the final word on the reach of the federal government would be reserved to the people and the state governments, respectively.

The problem with lofty ideals expressed concisely is applying them to real-world situations where the inherent ambiguities of words and phrases meet the test of practical application – and where the personal philosophies of those tasked with sorting it out (bureaucrats, legislators and judges) affect the interpretation and thus the ruling. Therefore, it matters greatly whether those decision makers value “original intent” and see their own role as its guardians (“conservatives”) or whether they view the Constitution and its amendments as a “living document” to be reshaped to conform to their self-directed “tide of history” (“progressives”).

In my lifetime, the “progressives” have won that contest more times than not, and so today there is no part of the First Amendment that has not been seriously reshaped to suit progressive interests – except freedom of the press, left untouched because it has been the primary driver of progressive narratives to which the decision-makers have conformed.

To the founders, “religion” in the First Amendment meant Judaism-respecting Christianity, which was eventually refined in Supreme Court rulings to the phrase “Supreme Being” inside of a clearly biblical context. The court summarized the history of this legal doctrine in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S. 457 (1892), after more than a century of careful development.

To the founders, forbidding “establishment of religion” meant government could not adopt or prefer one Christian sect over another, as had occurred for centuries in Europe and in the American states prior to adoption of the Constitution. It absolutely did not ban acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over America as proven by countless unimpeachable documents including the Declaration of Independence and George Washington’s inaugural addresses.

In 1947 a progressive SCOTUS majority in Everson v Board of Education shifted America off that biblical foundation and onto a Secular Humanist one by intentionally twisting Jefferson’s “Separation of Church and State” metaphor into a ban on church/state cooperation and elevating their false revision to the status of binding constitutional law. (What Jefferson and the founders actually intended – and in fact established as policy – was the “coadjuvancy” of church and state!)

The follow-on case of Torcaso v Watkins (1961) – defining atheism as a “religion” with equal protections had the legal and practical effect of empowering militant atheists to purge Christianity from public life, to be systematically replaced over the next half-century by LGBT cultural supremacy as other cases fell like dominoes along that satanic new trajectory.

All of the other elements of the First Amendment have also been redefined to suit progressive interests, always empowering government at the expense of the people. The COVID plandemic lockdowns alone show how many freedoms we’ve lost on every First Amendment front. As for freedom of speech, who would ever have imagined that we’d fall so far into Marxist delusion that wide swaths of American youths would clamor for its abolition as a “cause celeb” of “social justice” to protect from criticism such atrocities as the genital mutilation of children?

All of these travesties have been orchestrated and facilitated by the one First Amendment sacred cow left entirely untouched: the “free press.”

WND’s motto is “A Free Press for a Free People,” but I am virtually certain that our government today, in cooperation with radical leftist groups like the SPLC, is using its power to limit WND’s reach. This affects me personally. To whatever extent government officials or agents are defining my speech in this venue or any other as “disinformation,” “misinformation,” or “hate” to justify suppressing it, they are violating the plain meaning of the First Amendment. Indeed, grassroots political opinion like mine was THE speech at issue in the days of the founders – not news reporting by corporations – meaning I (and all citizen editorialists) should have greater standing in this matter than all the multinationals combined. I’m pretty sure Thomas Paine would agree with me.

The Twitter files exposed massive government coercion of social media, and investigations of public health spending to push the fake vaccine have exposed big government payoffs to traditional media companies to peddle their COVID propaganda. I suggest such conspiracies are a First Amendment deal-breaker. To whatever extent these media companies are controlled or manipulated by government they are not “free press” in the original intent of the founders and should not enjoy its protections.

Trump’s stunning victory has presented opportunities to the MAGA movement to repair the massive damage Marxists have done to this country over the past century – starting by breaking their propaganda machinery by which they mentally enslave the not-yet-red-pilled masses.

I suggest two simple lines of attack. First, impose an “equal time” mandate on all media entities that accept government money or assets, starting with the infuriatingly biased NPR/NPM. On any topic of public controversy, all perspectives, accurately represented by people of comparable stature and knowledge, must receive equal time. Compliance will be monitored by a large body of registered volunteers – say 300, chosen by annually by lottery – operating under the supervision of the both the FCC and Congress: the whole system operating as a Public Media Oversight Network to ensure fairness and accuracy.

Second, by congressional statute create a “false light” cause of action in defamation cases for deliberate misrepresentation by media companies, with lower standards of proof, in which the punishment is limited to prominently correcting the record and issuing a statement of apology to the defamed – with monetary damages available only against four-time repeat offenders. Grant private media companies who voluntarily participate in the Public Media Oversight Network an exemption from litigation.

The “Free Press” must never again be allowed to manipulate We the People by abusing their power over public information.

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The top elites want Trump to run their pending war

Article first published on WND 11/11/24

My recent column asked, “Have Obiden and the Clintons cut a deal with Trump?” and predicted a Reaganesque landslide for Trump if they had.

I think there is substantial circumstantial evidence of such a deal. First is the reaction of Joe Biden himself: beaming like a kid at Christmas after Kamala crashed and burned (his immunity from prosecution presumably paid in full by sabotaging her so thoroughly). Second is that somebody with real juice (Pelosi?) obviously told the Antifa brownshirts to stand-down and put their Molotov cocktails back in the armory. (The fun’s over, boys – for now.)

Third, and perhaps most telling is how the legacy news media, in particular the New York Times, covered the election returns: It was almost fair and balanced. The reporters didn’t suddenly stop being true-believer leftists, but upper management had obviously given orders to play it straight and let the public accept Trump’s victory as the will of the people. That was the biggest shock of all, and would never have happened if the media moguls were in still in scorched-earth warfare mode against Trump as they had been continuously since Hillary’s unexpected defeat in 2016. They also, apparently, had been told to stand down.

To be clear, when I say that Trump probably cut a deal with his enemies I’m not suggesting he cynically sold out to them in exchange for power – as they would have done in his place. No, I’m saying he forced them to the bargaining table in the manner of a besieging warlord offering terms of surrender. He beat them at their own game, on their home turf by sheer force of will and, apparently, divinely ordained manifest destiny. With each step forward, against every weapon they could deploy against him, Trump exhibited courage and resolve not seen in America leaders since the Revolutionary War – or at least since Teddy Roosevelt.

As the battle raged most fiercely, he survived two assassination attempts while exhibiting such true manly bravery as to earn the praise of Russian President Putin, and then selflessly pressed in even harder toward the goal of restoring America to greatness. That was simply too much for his enemies to overcome. The deep-state dam of media-created fear-based reluctance to embrace Trump as a leader finally broke and virtually overnight a flood of both peasants and princes enlisted in massive numbers in the MAGA army – like the plot twist of a wartime action movie or a scene from the Bible (or both at once).

If this analysis is accurate we’re not going to see an Obiden repeat of “Obama’s Hitlerian Departure” in the 2024/25 power transition. My Jan. 3, 2017, column of that title detailed Obama’s extensive sabotage campaign to hinder Trump – comparing it to Hitler’s destruction of the city and harbor of Cherbourg immediately after the allied D-Day invasion in WWII.

Instead (contrary to my own predictions before I recognized a deal had probably been struck) we’re more likely see a surprising level of courtesy being extended to President Trump in conjunction with an appeal for “a new era bipartisanship” by swamp worms like Chuck Schumer. (I’m not expecting a total reversal but even a modest bump in respect for Trump will represent a sea-change compared to the past.)

I think we’ll also see outgoing Dem elites tossing numerous mid-level FBI, DOJ, etc. underlings under wheels of their escape vehicles as they flee the crime scene – people who either can’t link their bosses to the specific crimes or are willing (under threat or promise of reward) to take the fall without implicating the higher-ups.

Some upper-management lightning rods like Garland and Mayorkas and top warfare operators like Jack Smith will be thrown to the street-level mobs of MAGA wolves. Understandably, the people will expect – nay, demand – some public beheadings in recompense for what we all suffered during Obiden’s eight year plandemic-facilitated Marxist coup and occupation (which started on Trump’s inauguration day in 2017). It’s likely we’ll see some Trump-pardoned J6 political prisoners pulling the release cords on those guillotines (metaphorically speaking) before some of these same heroes join the incoming class of new congressmen and senators from the 2026 mid-term elections.

There will, of course, be attempts to lock in leftist policies before Trump’s 2025 inauguration, and continued sniping and square-offs of individual politicians and pundits on the left and right are as certain as the rising of the sun. But I think we may see a new seriousness and sobriety in the government as the search for true solutions replaces blind regurgitations of leftist narratives.

That may be too optimistic. Post-Election Day shenanigans in election fraud strongholds like Arizona, Pennsylvania and in Orange County, California, remind us that grassroots-run state-level election fraud machinery can operate largely autonomously – regardless of deals made among the elites (though its not likely the deal I am hypothesizing involved the minutia of secondary and tertiary races anyhow).

In the business world I think we’re going to see not just a rapid abandonment of DEI policies (some executives may be crushed in the stampede for the exit), but an actual reversion to traditional values in the culture and advertising of some companies.

However, what’s really at stake for the truly top elites (think military-industrial complex and the Banksters) who allowed this presumed deal with Trump to be struck is not domestic policy, but their global hegemony – very much in parallel to the reason they allowed Ronald Reagan to reign in the 1980s. (They tolerated Reagan’s Christian and populist-pleasing domestic policy shift to the right only because he was the right man to finally take down the Soviets, knowing their inside man H.W. Bush – and his buddy Bill Clinton – could undo Reaganism domestically after The Gipper termed out.)

The rapidly growing threat of a new “multi-polar order” represented by an ascendant BRICS alliance (which also indirectly threatens Israel by dissolving the long-ago British-created polar-division of Muslims along Shiite/Sunni lines) definitively trumps domestic policy concerns and in fact requires a new resurgence of patriotism. Their best hope of retaining control is to preserve the U.S. as the world’s sole superpower. That means war, which means “American” boots on the ground (the illegals earning citizenship the hard way), which requires a truly believable commander in chief and a populace willing (however grudgingly – wait for it) to accept war under his leadership as the only way to make America great again.

Little-noticed on election night was that the U.S. military field-tested a brand new hypersonic nuclear missile – firing an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile westward from California in an unmistakable message to American’s competitors just as the reality of Trump’s sweeping victory was taking hold in the collective perception of the world. That “shot across the bow” was long pre-planned, of course, but likely so was the decision to “surrender” to Trump.

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America’s Only Path to Restoration

What made the American experience unique in all of world history was the phenomenon of bottom-up governance. From Nimrod to King George, all prior forms of human civilization were imposed upon humanity from the top down by those with the power to make their own will the law. This was universally true in the realms of both church and state wherever settlements grew beyond the ability of their member families to collectively govern themselves – and even in small communities, the tendency of strong-willed men of means to impose an order of their own choosing was likely. That is the reality of all human society because of the reality of unredeemed human nature.

But Jesus
When Jesus Christ – God Himself – briefly joined the human race, He taught us how we could maximize the blessings, freedoms and potentialities of His created order by receiving into the temples of our bodies His Holy Spirit and then operating as sovereign governors of ourselves, in cooperation with every other justified “Christian.” That model was best reflected by the Apostles in the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15, which operated as a board of equals in the physical absence of the Master, using Holy Spirit intuition and the written biblical law as their guide.

That was the first example of self-governance under law since the Israelite Republic led by Joshua and the Judges. It was the first ever in which the Holy Spirit dwelt personally in each individual Christian, ending human dependency on priests and rituals, while affirming the terms of the Holy Scripture which Jesus (through the Apostles) then updated and upgraded during the Apostolic Age to suit the needs of the Last Days. Importantly, Jesus affirmed the covenant even as He clarified its meaning to a more matured humanity capable of higher behavioral standards than Moses had set for them (e.g. no more polygamy, concubinage and unjustified divorce).

But willful man
The Apostolic Age ended with the death of John and the close of the Canon of Scripture with his written recording of the Revelations of Jesus Christ (an updated and expanded version of the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25, Mark 13 and Luke 21). After that, the Jerusalem model of Christianity gave way to the Roman model, in which the doctrine of “the priesthood of all believers” was rejected in favor of top-down governance by an ecclesiastical order of priests under a dictatorial pope deemed to be God’s representative on earth. The transition happened slowly but inexorably, starting with an assertion of authority over church matters by Clement of Rome and eventually incorporating the “divine right” to murder dissenters to its increasingly un-biblical doctrines, which it enforced vigorously for centuries.

Yet even under this man-made institutional yoke, the Scripture itself was preserved and the lives of true Christians continued to be governed internally by the Holy Spirit. A great many Roman Catholic Christians lived (and still live) exemplary lives, and Christianity continued to reshape the world and raise the standards of human ethics and morality everywhere it spread. God’s will for individuals was not thwarted. Just as He had allowed the Israelites to reject His Tabernacle in favor of a Temple and His Republic in favor of a Monarchy, He allowed the Christian church to institutionalize itself in this Roman form and He worked around its deficiencies to achieve His goals for mankind.

For a season
In due time, abuses of power by both the church and the Christian kingdoms of Europe – most especially Spain – triggered the rise of a populist “protestant” movement of both Christians and Jews. In particular, the Spanish Inquisition’s torture-backed forced mass conversion of Jews to Catholicism convinced them they faced extinction as a religion if the trajectory of Christendom did not change. Similarly persecuted were Christian Millennialists, who shared with Jews the “heresy” of belief in a future thousand-year earthly kingdom under the Messiah. Out of that common experience and doctrine grew an on-and-off partnership known modernly as the Hebraic movement in Christendom, which to an unmeasured degree inspired and facilitated the Protestant Revolution.

Its effects also included the eventual overthrow of Catholic Spanish dominance of Christendom (and the Western world) by an ascendant Protestant British Empire, whose sense of destiny was heavily influenced by the Judeo-Christian theory/ideology/doctrine of British Israelism (BI). While BI “doctrine” was largely debunked and discarded after WWI, it had helped shape and steer British self-identity and policy for the preceding five centuries. BI’s most prominent legacy was the British restoration of the House of Judah to the Holy Land in 1917, supplanting the Ottoman Turks whom the Brits expelled by military force. (To be clear, in regards to geo-politics it doesn’t matter how much of BI theory was true, only that it was believed to be true by British leaders.)

God’s Providence
The most powerful impact Protestantism had on the world, however, was the restoration of the “priesthood of all believers” that took practical form in Scottish Presbyterianism under Pioneer Reformer John Knox. That spawned the Scottish Covenantors’ movement which swept the British Isles with its example of self-rule by sovereign Christians directly empowered by God to set law by mutual consent. Out of this grew “constitutionalism” as the term was understood by America’s Founding Fathers – making possible the United States of America: The world’s first government in which limited power was delegated to elected representatives by the people ourselves. Because of that theological/ideological foundation, America matured to become the all-time pinnacle of civilization in the middle of the 20th century – the envy and immigration magnet of the world.

And yet Satanic statist enslaving Marxism still grew as a parasitic infestation amongst us – until now, in the early 21st century, it has nearly killed the host. History repeats. The MAGA movement is America’s populist uprising against egregious power-grabbing and power-abusing by tyrannical elites who hate the Bible and the Messiah, whom both Christians and Jews prophetically await.

It may not be possible, even under a Trump presidency, to restore all that has been stolen from us. But if the prophecy of a soon-coming Millennial Kingdom under direct rule by Christ from Jerusalem is true, we of the God-fearing remnant can still recreate the harmony amongst ourselves that reflects all of the best we once were – and perhaps even attain bit of the better harmony we’re promised in the age to come. We can do that amongst ourselves even if hell is about to be unleashed in all its fury because the Devil knows his time is short.

If, however, we have a few years’ reprieve under Trump, the MAGA movement can speed and maximize the restoration of our greatness by getting us back to first principles in citizen self-rule and constitutionalism – so long as we remember John Adams’ warning that those blessings are the gift of God for those who submit only to Him: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Our history proves his case.

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America’s Most Fateful Election

Written 10/27/2024

Last week WND published my article “Have Obiden and the Clintons cut a deal with Trump?” I explained why I think they did and in the process touched on the issue of abortion, and the choice of some Christians not to vote for Trump because he refuses to take a fully purist pro-life stance in this election. I call that decision – in context – “shameful, stupid, and unbiblical” for reasons I’ll let you read for yourself.

I’ll add here I have no problem with people deciding to stay completely out of politics in favor of just prayer to God to produce good results supernaturally, which He most certainly can do. There’s no hypocrisy in that stance. But if you decide to engage in social policy setting in the necessarily compromise-based political realm, you can’t simultaneously pretend to be a true purist, because every vote involves risk/benefit analysis about imperfect choices. It’s utterly unavoidable. And in this election, the risk is that Kamala Harris will win and reverse every pro-life victory Trump won for us in 2016-2020, resulting in the deaths of potentially millions of unborn babies that would otherwise be saved under a Trump second term.

Trump may not support a total ban on abortion right now (which is not achievable in today’s political climate), but he’s not going to stop chipping away at the baby-killing industry in doable steps – or undo the amazing, unprecedented work he’s already done for the babies. Are you going to let the Whore of Babylon win the White House because Trump is playing politics on hypotheticals?

Since I’ve stuck my neck out this far, I’ll stretch it a little more. A woman responded to my article with this:

“I read your WND columns and respect your political savvy. A question keeps confronting me: what is the underlying reason for the intense zeal and passion abortion proponents have for that ‘freedom’? What specifically do the demons do for them, their lives and fortunes in recompense for these sacrifices to Molech? I know their passion cannot be to simply protect their hedonistic lifestyles from life-trajectory-changing unwanted parenthood. I know practitioners of Santeria and Mexican American witchcraft often petition their spirit contacts to bless them financially, romantically or to execute vengeance on a target, and that radical pro-aborts are occult-affiliated as well. What’s Satan repaying them with? Thank you in advance, Dr. Lively.”

I replied:

“You might not like this answer, but support for abortion is mostly rooted in rebellion against the patriarchal order established by God as a foundation stone of human civilization. As Paul summarized in Ephesians 5:22-24, there is a specific sex-based order all humans (married or not) are subject to that is evident from the first pages of Genesis and was never rescinded or modified by God. ‘Women’s liberation’ from ‘patriarchal oppression’ was embraced by Lenin and incorporated as an early pillar of Soviet Marxism, ironically having its first major international victory in the U.S. – in the passage of the 19th Amendment by Congress in June of 1919, ratified by the states in 1920. The Marxists had been hard at work for a quarter century or so in the U.S. when they scored that win giving voting rights to women.

“Abortion is much more about Feminism than Satanism, which explains why the issue really IS ‘choice’ for so many women who would never actually murder their own child. It is the choice personally and collectively to reject male authority in favor of independence from the God-ordained order. The ‘right to abortion’ is the perceived guarantor of that right – without which the burdens of pregnancy and child-rearing would prevent women as a social class from competing with men as a social class vocationally and politically.

“Abortion is just a symptom of the deeper spiritual problem of rejecting God’s guidance in favor of Secular Humanist reasoning – the return of human sacrifice being the most poisonous fruit of it.”

In many ways America’s most fateful election was granting women the right to vote against the wishes of their husbands in matters specifically ordained as his area of responsibility. I believe every evil turn in public policy has occurred as a result of that election (technically a state-by-state series of them) because subjective emotionalism replaced objective rationalism as both the standard for policy and the means for swaying public opinion. This is not to say that all women are equally susceptible to subjective emotionalism or all men are equally driven by objective rationalism but these are obvious and valid stereotypes generally speaking, and that’s all that matters to social engineers. In a “representative democracy” it’s all about getting a simple majority – so “empowering” women to shape public policy while emasculating men to promote emotionalism in them is a win/win for them.

That’s why we’re largely ruled today by irrational raging Feminists and Beta-Male “Soy Boys.” And those are the very people who hate and fear Trump the most because he is an unashamed Alpha-Male who symbolically and practically represents the return to patriarchy.

I believe that the 19th Amendment would never have been ratified if the voters of that day could have looked into the future and seen its consequences. Conversely, I don’t think it’s possible or desirable to reverse it at this stage: Pandora’s Box has simply been open so long we’re no longer the same society. BUT, God’s natural order is organic and self-organizing. If we just drain the swamp and clear out the weeds, His garden will grow back, quickly producing many new and healthy examples of true masculinity and femininity, true marriages and a thriving network of natural families – God’s eco-system for human civilization.

That’s my expectation from Trump’s second term, which I hope every pro-life Christian will join me in voting for.

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Have Obiden and the Clintons cut a deal with Trump?

I’ve been holding my peace and watching from a distance ever since my prediction failed that Barack Obama would end up in a head-to-head contest with President Trump (directly or indirectly) in November. But all bets were off when the action on the political battlefield swung from crazy to surreal in the takedown of Joe Biden and replacement with Kamala Harris by the controlling Marxist elites. I knew the game had changed completely when they suddenly dropped all pretext of “democracy” and simply installed HER as the candidate (rather than Michelle) as if she were just another garbage company winning a no-bid contract in mob-run Boston, Philadelphia or NYC. And since then Barack (now as gaunt as an AIDS patient) has looked so impotent in his Kamala-surrogate role, I’m seriously considering scratching him off my list of Antichrist candidates 🙂 (Not really – because I think its all an act.)

It’s never safe in modern America to assume that the show being performed in front us accurately reflects the reality of the war behind the scenes. What I believe is actually happening is civil war in the Democratic Party, because powerful elements of their coalition, including OBiden and the Clintons, have decided to cut a deal with Trump to let their party take a fall in exchange for a promise not to prosecute them post-election for their many serious crimes.

Most of the Democratic Party propaganda, election fraud and GOTV machinery is grinding away to win the race by hook or by crook, as it has always done – but Obama, Biden and Bill Clinton are clearly undermining Harris through subtleties of rhetoric and tactics that are ostensibly pro-Harris but actually intend to weaken her. For example, Barack Obama’s tepid so-called appeal to black men to support her lacked only a conspiratorial wink to convey the true message to dump her. Some of Biden’s sabotage of Harris has not been subtle at all.

Back on July 3rd when the Biden takedown was in full swing I wrote:

“As long as other options exist, however, the Dem elites do NOT want Joe to be reelected! Why? Because, as everyone who’s ever witnessed the phenomenon up close knows, dementia is both irreversible and progressive at an ever-increasing speed, and thus in the event of a Biden victory in November there would be no way to prevent the almost universally despised Kamala Harris from becoming president – with no way to remove her. There is no way Biden can finish a second term at the rate he’s declining.

“But, of course, because she’s a black female, no one involved in the Biden removal process can ever publicly admit this … Even Harris would be better than Trump in their warped minds – but a Joe Biden reelection is clearly the worst-case ‘victory’ scenario.

“The supposed best-case scenario being floated now is for Joe to be persuaded to resign – soon – but the people with the most control of that decision are the ones most desperate to keep him in power: the dominant members of the Biden crime family whose exposure to serious jail time is a very real possibility if they lose the protections of the presidency and its ‘justice’ department. They will fight like cornered wolverines to stay in power – at least until they’re presented with an offer they can’t refuse or are guaranteed sanctuary in a foreign jurisdiction with no extradition treaty with the U.S.”

That last line was tongue-in cheek – the implicit real point being Joe would resign only when he got a deal to escape accountability for himself and his co-conspirators.

While the narrative says Pelosi forced him out Don Corleone-style, I think Biden in fact had made his deal with Trump and the supposed “offer he couldn’t refuse” was just a smokescreen. Harris’ subsequent coronation-by-acclaim indicates that ALL the key power-brokers with real juice and real criminal exposure (including Pelosi) were a part of it.

Does this contradict the election-season mass delusion on the right that sees Trump as a veritable demigod of virtue? I’m fully on board the Trump train for many reasons, but I’m not a dreamy-eyed newbie. Remember, Trump’s self-declared first principle of success is “The Art of the Deal,” which he mastered while “making his bones” in New York real estate – the “Madison Square Garden” of bare-knuckle political prize-fighting. Look how quickly he pivoted on abortion after the Dems proved in the ’22 midterms it was their silver bullet to kill his chances in ’24. I made MY bones as a Christian culture warrior during the pro-life Rescue Movement of the late ’80s and early ’90s, but I understand and accept his pivot because he actually earned our continuing pro-life support during his first term by handing us the Holy Grail of pro-life victories: the overturning of Roe v. Wade! However, post-Dobbs, large numbers of Christian voters turned their backs on him by not voting in ’22 and are now using Trump’s pivot (which their apathy reasonably made necessary in his mind) to justify their intention not to vote for him this year. It’s shameful, stupid and unbiblical.

As I state on my website at ScottLively.net, “Christians who can’t balance the aspirations of Christianity with the realities of politics sabotage their own interests by imposing an unrealistic standard of moral perfection on people who run for office: a standard God Himself never imposed on the people He raised up as Judges during the 400 year Israelite Republic America is modeled upon.”

But back to the presumed Biden/Trump deal. For years I’d been spotlighting Biden as the man being set up to take the blame for the whole corrupt cabal – I even nicknamed him “Joey the Scapegoat” and to the very end thought the controlling elites were going to publicly sacrifice him like Azazel’s prize. But, impressively, Biden’s leveraging of the presidency outmaneuvered even Obama, masterfully transferring his fated scapegoat role onto Harris. Biden may still be named and shamed for the crimes as a panacea for the masses, but his dementia will make him unprosecutable (and if I’m right nothing substantive will ever come of it per the secret deal with Trump). Meanwhile, Harris will take the blame for the 2024 political failure – which will, of course, be attributed entirely to racism and mysogyny, confirming core Marxist narratives and fueling continuing passion for “social justice.” In other words, she’ll skate too.

Heads will certainly role in 2025 and beyond after Trump wins (perhaps in a Reaganesque landslide – which would have been my price if I were Trump), but they’ll almost certainly be underlings and not bosses – as always seems to be the case in peaceful transfers of power.

I’m not carving this in stone or claiming “thus sayeth the Lord,” just offering what I think is the most realistic analysis based on today’s known and likely factors. I can also still see the dark clouds of World War III looming on the horizon with their potential as a pretext for martial law, suspension of our election and the one-two punch of a global “Great Collapse” and “Great Reset.” I much prefer the deal-based Trump victory scenario.

Update Oct. 28, 2024: Is this evidence of a deal?

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Origin of the ‘Gay Holocaust’ Fraud

I am very close to finishing the 6th edition of “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” which I am hoping will be well received by conservatives and the MAGA movement because it explains so much about how America was conquered by the LGBT armies who lurk behind every culture-war calamity we face. Germany was the pre-WWII dress rehearsal. America’s (continuing) post-war Cultural Marxist revolution is the main performance. And, of course, all those ugly facts of German history proving the Nazi Party was the creation of “Butch” male homosexuals, had to be suppressed in America or the leftists would never have succeeded. Thus, since its first edition in 1995 “The Pink Swastika” has been one of the all-time most “panned and banned” books in print despite, or rather because of, the strength of its documentation and analysis.

Today I want to expose the origin of the “Gay Holocaust” fraud that hid the shocking true history of the Nazi Party under a thick blanket of social-engineering mythology.

In 1923 a tragedy occurred in Galveston, Texas, that was to have a major negative effect on the world: a tiny baby boy, wrapped in pages of a Houston newspaper, was heartlessly abandoned under an oleander tree, found alive by strangers and put up for adoption. The name his adoptive parents gave him was James “Jim” Kepner, and they were honest with him about his abandonment. That boy, with understandably serious family and self-identity issues, did what so many other “lost boys” do, and fell (or was pushed by molestation) into same-sex attraction disorder. Perhaps in his case his perception of homosexuals as social “rejects” like himself provided an extra incentive to join, but regardless, Jim Kepner subsequently spent his entire adult life working diligently on behalf of his adopted clan to eliminate the social stigma attached to the “gay” lifestyle. He died in 1997 of a perforated intestine.

Most significantly, Jim became arguably the greatest archivist of the LGBT movement – co-founding along with other early members of Harry Hay’s Mattachine Society the One Letter (the first magazine of the movement in America) and the One Institute, which has since become the premier national archive documenting LGBT history. Jim was obsessed with knowing the history of that movement – apparently as a substitute for the personal family history he would never know. But in that process Jim grossly exaggerated an aspect of “gay history” that exemplified “rejection” of “gays” in its most traumatic form: the persecution of some homosexuals by the Nazis.

In essence, for his own deeply personal reasons, Jim Kepner created a “Gay Holocaust” by exaggerating and magnifying certain historical facts to serve his own inner agenda. And he did so at a time when the larger LGBT movement was desperate to win public sympathy for its own very public and aggressively political agenda.

To my knowledge, the first public contention that “gays” had suffered a “homosexual holocaust” was made in the May 1978 issue of One Letter, which referenced a “One Institute Seminar on German History [Jim Kepner] taught in 1959” on the front page, and contained the article “Silent No More: The Pink Triangle.” (Kepner had pioneered a “Gay Studies” curriculum he taught at the One offices long before any public universities began doing so and was thus perceived as a top expert by the movement.)

The author of that (unsigned) article was likely Kepner student and fellow Mattachine member Michael A Lombardi who began doing his own research for a book on the topic in 1977. Lombardi was a regular writer for the Coast to Coast Times based in Los Angeles in the 1970s, and wrote a piece for its Oct. 15, 1978, issue titled, tellingly, “Nazis: act now, research later,” which included the sentence: “Today holocaust curricula are being added to many school study programs yet any mention of the homosexual holocaust is being left out of them entirely.”

Lombardi was in correspondence with Frank Rector at that time, who thanked him for sending a copy of the Times and requested help documenting some of the dubious casualty figures the “Silent No More” article cited on homosexual victims of the Nazis. This is per a personal letter to Lombardi from Rector of which I have a copy. I also have a copy of a letter from Stein and Day Publishers dated March 21, 1978, stating Rector was under contract with them for a book “on the Nazi persecution and mass murder of homosexuals.”

Rector’s book, “The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals,” was finally published in 1981, taking the “Gay Holocaust” assertion to a ridiculous extreme, but unfortunately mainstreaming its false narrative among leftists.

According to Wikipedia, “Stein and Day, Inc. was an American publishing company founded by Sol Stein and his wife Patricia Day in 1962. Stein was both the publisher and the editor-in-chief. The firm was based in New York City, and was in business for 27 years, until closing in 1989.”

Stein was a U.S. government-trained master propagandist who “[f]rom 1951 to 1953 … was employed by the state-run Voice of America, eventually as senior editor of the Ideological Advisory Staff. He wrote daily scripts that were translated into 46 languages and broadcast to two million people listening behind the Iron Curtain. … In 1953 Stein was appointed Executive Director of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom, an anti-communist cultural organization which was later revealed to be supported by the CIA. It was in this period that the eventual publisher supervised the writing and publication of McCarthy and the Communists, which made The New York Times Bestseller List for 13 weeks and was credited with contributing to the unseating of Senator McCarthy.” (Seems like the CIA put their own fox in the “anti-Communist” hen house.)

This, then, was the origin of the “Gay Holocaust” fraud – begun as merely an exaggeration by an emotionally troubled man revising history to fit his own psychological profile – then institutionalized by the LGBT movement as a knowingly false but detailed revisionist school of “hidden history.” The now multi-layered fraud was then popularized nationally by a left-wing master propagandist with his own publishing company, creating a new sub-genre of Nazi history with massive potential for pro-LGBT social engineering and “sexual anarchy” at the expense of the prior marriage and family based order of civilization. And that’s how one of the most socially destructive historical revisionist efforts in world history began.

Rebutting that campaign of disinformation and reclaiming the truth about the Nazi relationship with homosexuality and homosexuals – to help restore the primacy of the natural family in society – is the purpose of my book, the soon-coming 6th edition of which will be a dramatic expansion upon the 4th edition (which is available here).

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Welcome to the twilight of Homo sapiens

Written 10/10/2024

“In various occult and esoteric traditions, there is indeed a principle that emphasizes the importance of revelation before change. This principle often ties into ideas of cosmic law, the balance of forces, and the need for awareness before transformation. The belief is that understanding the nature of a change, or being forewarned about it, allows individuals to align themselves more harmoniously with the flow of energy or fate.”

– ChatGPT, in answer to my question this morning “Is there actually an occult principle that all prescribed change must be revealed in advance?”

I went to bed last night thinking about a comment my son just made about the virtually overnight demographic remodel of Springfield, Ohio, into which 20,000 Haitians were dropped into a town of 40,000 residents – fully housed and funded – by the Biden/Harris regime. His comments emphasized both the unprecedented machine-like efficiency of it and the complete disregard for the existing population.

His observation was like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle I had already largely completed. I awoke this morning with the awareness of a dark epiphany my mind had reached overnight: Humanity really is in the early stages of being culled – and we’ve been prepped for it for decades through the entertainment medium of “science fiction.”

The Great Replacement – foreshadowed by such classic sci-fi films as “The War of the Worlds” and “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” – is an actual plan whose purpose is to replace the fiercely independent and entrepreneurial Alpha-Class of True Americans with more compliant and controllable Third World “scabs” – not because of their white skin color, but because of their worldview. I use the word “scabs” intentionally, not to denigrate our fellow human beings being used as pawns against us, but to invoke the Alpha-Class labor-union dockworkers who just threw a boulder in the path of their own great replacement – by robots. (The Third-Worlders are intended to be the factory workers building those robots – and perhaps dying as cannon fodder in a world war that heralds both the “Great Reset” and the Bible’s “beginning of sorrows.”)

Those dockworkers are some of the more visible True Americans now rising up as a MAGA army: an army of mixed races and creeds, certainly, but still dominated demographically by the descendants of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) majority who envisioned and then built this nation – the world’s first, best and longest lasting constitutional republic – from the 17th century through the early decades of the 20th century. Their True American worldview – which persists today both in the form of Christian faith and in the form of secularized custom and tradition – originated in the Protestant doctrine of “the priesthood of all believers” in which government was perceived as the natural product of the cooperation of sovereign individuals who collectively delegate limited power to “public servants.” Because of them, America’s long season of liberty and self-determination was unique in world history until it ended on Jan. 6, 2021. (Whatever we manage to claw back in November – if anything – will never be the same.)

The Pilgrim Separatists of Plymouth exemplified that spirit of self-determination with their defiance of top-down government – and top-down ecclesiastic religion – being reflected in our nation’s first, protean constitution, the Mayflower Compact, and then in its follow-up “covenantal oath,” the Declaration of Independence.

In the 20th century, the Empire Struck Back and our government “of the people, by the people and for the people” was steadily supplanted by a tag-team of Marxism and predatory corporatism such that our population still largely looked much the same from the outside, but on the inside had increasingly become a nation of serfs compliant to government groupthink but hostile to faith and liberty.

In the 21st century, our self-presumed Masters emerged from the shadows to reveal themselves and their plans, which were moving smoothly along – until (thank God) the narcissistic megalomaniac Barack Obama tried to accomplish too much too fast and triggered the populist backlash called the Tea Party, which later morphed into the MAGA movement.

But the plan has proceeded anyway, and nothing we’ve done to stop it has worked. Impediments like our Bill of Rights and election laws have barely slowed them: A world-enslaving, death-dealing plandemic to justify and mask massive election fraud to evict Donald Trump from office was nothing to them. Neither is the continuing systematic feeding of Ukraine and its people into the Russian meat-grinder – at huge cost in money and war materials – all to destroy the Clinton/Bush/Biden/Obama/Soros bio-weapons and money-laundering crime scene under the pretext of opposing “Russian aggression” which they themselves orchestrated.

Importantly, however, these are only skirmishes along the road to the future the elites behind those elites want for themselves. Films like “The Matrix” and Star Trek’s “Borg” show us generally where they’re headed: the integration of humans with artificially intelligent machinery more advanced than we are. The ghouls of the World Economic Forum entice us to support their vision of transhumanism by suggesting we will retain our individual autonomy and become a new species of humankind beyond Homo sapiens. But why would an Artificial Intelligence they fully expect to outstrip our human intellectual capacity deign to remain subservient to inferior human beings? Since intelligence growth is presumably unlimited, we would eventually, inevitably, become mere assets to exploit in whatever vision it deems important to its own self-development.

The idea that Trump can save us from all this is a fantasy. He’s now campaigning with Elon Musk at his side – the man developing the human brain implants for future cyborgs and self-driving robotic transportation systems, which are a first-step to automated-everything. Massive AI facilities are being built as we speak to run that world, needing such massive amounts of electrical power as to require the re-start of the Three Mile Island nuke plant (for Microsoft). Another, just a few miles from me in Memphis, is Musk’s own AI “Grok 3” supercomputer facility, which requires nothing less than the mighty Mississippi River as source of power and cooling.

Musk is selling this to the MAGA faithful as an “anti-woke” version of ChatGPT, and I’m grateful for his free-speech advocacy, but will free speech even matter in the world of robots and cyborgs he’s helping to create? What use are most humans there? The ever-eugenically minded elites soon won’t need many human workers. Most of us will be simply “useless eaters” then and expendable – especially the Alpha-Class; the troublemakers who demand government accountability to the people; the vaccine-resistors and “misinformation” purveyors; the “bitter clingers” to God and the Constitution; the “Deplorables.” Hillary says she wants us jailed, but any AI policy-setter worth its wattage would conclude it would be cheaper and easier just to kill us.

In contrast are the young and compliant whose self-identity and bodily integrity are already so fluid and malleable that tomorrow’s transhumanist augmentations and cyborgean “improvements” will seem as normal and natural to them as transgenderism.

I don’t see any way off this path to hell – except the path to Heaven in the prophecies of the Bible, which seem more realistic with every passing day.

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Gay Nazism’s day of rage against the Jews

Date written 10/6/2024

Upper right: Nazi Diplomat Enst vom Rath

Short of the Holocaust itself, the most infamous pogrom against the Jews in modern times was Germany’s Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, on Nov. 9-10, 1938, in which Nazi-orchestrated and facilitated rioting over the assassination of Nazi Diplomat Ernst vom Rath led to widespread destruction of Jewish property, synagogues and businesses. I had intended to write about this event in my column last week but decided against it because there didn’t seem to be any thematic connection to current events, which is usually my goal. The very next day “the Gateway Pundit reported: “‘The View’ Co-Host Sunny Hostin Says Trump Preparing His Own ‘Kristallnacht,’ Precursor to Nazi Holocaust.”

Far from being a random fit of lunacy by airhead Hostin, this political grenade she lobbed was obviously planned anti-Trump electioneering by ABC following a precedent set in 2020, when CNN’s propaganda go-to girl, Christiane Amonpour, leveled a similar charge against the Trump presidency.

The claim is absurd on its face given Trump’s long history of pro-Israel actions, but it’s also dishonest about the Nazi role in that event.

Like almost every other Nazi outrage during the Third Reich, including the “Night of the Long Knives,” this “Night of the Broken Glass” had an intimate connection to the butch homosexuals of the SA and SS. Indeed, while there is evidence that some form of attack against the German Jews had already been planned, the sheer ferocity of Kristallnacht – openly characterized by the Nazi leaders as an act of “revenge” – suggests a deeply personal and genuinely spontaneous reaction among the brown- and black-shirted rioters. I contend their motivation was blind rage that one of their fellow pederasts had been slaughtered by a Jewish boy street hustler.

The following is a slightly modified excerpt from “The Pink Swastika,” 4th Edition (the expanded 6th Edition being my current book-in-progress).

Ernst vom Rath was a high-level SA official who had received a diplomatic posting to the German embassy in Paris. While serving there he had taken up with a 17-year-old self-identified male prostitute by the name of Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew. In partial payment for his services, Grynszpan had extracted a promise from vom Rath that his parents would be spared the consequences of a recent law that “revoked the citizenship of Polish Jews who had been living abroad for more than five years and who still retained Polish citizenship.” But vom Rath failed to keep his promise, and Grynszpan’s family, along with thousands of others, “were herded into camps in a no-man’s land along the border region of Zbonszyn in freezing weather.”

In retaliation, Grynszpan shot vom Rath on the night of Nov. 7, 1938. Two days later the Nazis staged the “Night of Broken Glass.” Grynszpan fled and was not caught by the Gestapo until 1940. They finally had Grynszpan, but their planned high-profile courtroom prosecution went up in smoke. “At the last moment the trial was canceled on Hitler’s orders: Grynszpan had threatened to reveal a homosexual relationship with Rath.”

The Nazis were furious.

Anthony Read and David Fisher (“Kristallnacht: The Nazi Night of Terror”) explain:

“Vom Rath had been sold to the world as an official martyr, shot down in the service of the Führer. He had even been given a state funeral at which Hitler himself had been a mourner. Was he now to be portrayed in the world’s press as a queer with a taste for 17-year-old boys?”

The Nazis claimed the confession was a lie, but there must have been enough evidence to support the story or the prosecutors could have easily refuted it. Instead, they delayed the trial.

“The delay gave Goebbels the time to create a new myth about the late Ernst vom Rath, and he set about it in a highly ingenious manner. He arranged for the letters of French prisoners of war to be specially vetted by one of his men, who seized the more passionate and erotic messages. The letters were then doctored to make it appear that they had all been written to vom Rath by various mistresses, with the aim of producing them in court as written evidence of his heterosexuality. At one stroke, Goebbels would have created a new Don Juan, a German womanizer irresistible to Frenchwomen.

“The Nazis could produce no legitimate evidence that vom Rath was a heterosexual, and even their falsified evidence went unused because the Justice Ministry had obtained additional information that made a public trial impossible.

“[A] story had been circulating in public that Herschel had in fact been vom Rath’s male whore and procurer for some time in 1938, and that vom Rath had been known in Parisian homosexual circles as ‘the ambassadress’ and ‘Notre Dame de Paris.’

“They also learned that vom Rath’s brother ‘had been dismissed from the service for homosexual offenses.’ This was too much for even Goebbels’ propaganda machine to overcome, so the trial was again postponed.”

In full disclosure it must be acknowledged that Read and Fisher ultimately adopted the official line that the allegations of a homosexual affair between vom Rath and Grynszpan were untrue – the creation of Grynszpan’s lawyer. However, I have since learned that the primary evidence used to discredit the allegations was another prison letter, this one “encrypted” and supposedly sent by Grynszpan himself stating he made some of it up. The prior history of the case suggests that the “Grynszpan letter” may have been ghost-written by Goebbels.

How a Jewish teen could have such insider access to Germany’s highest-ranked diplomat as to get the promise of favored treatment for his parents – and then kill him for betrayal – is never explained. And it’s not as if the Nazis were innocent of rewarding pederastic homosexuals with diplomatic postings. Consider for example Dr. Theodor Auer, the German consul in Casablanca, Morocco. His “affair with the son of a local sheik and his ‘behaviour’ with Arab, French and Jewish ‘bumboys’ were detailed by the British Secret Operations Executive (SOE).”

In any case, there is no denying Kristallnacht was a horrific attack on Germany Jewry, but there is no parallel to anything Trump or the pro-Israel MAGA movement have ever done. Indeed, the closest parallel is Queers for Palestine – and the nationwide Hamas-promoting terror faction of today’s Democratic Party.

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The Blessings of Anglo-Zionism

Click here to access the full series of articles and videos on this theme.

Was the Protestant Revolution a Judeo-Christian Joint Venture?

In the 17th Century, at one of the high points of the Hebraic Movement in Christian Holland and Great Britain there was a widely embraced expectation that the Messiah would return in the Hebrew year 1655/56, based on a theory that the prophecies related to Revelation 12:6 would be fulfilled 1260 years from the fall of the Roman Empire. In hindsight it was, of course, a false prophecy, but, at the time, the widespread belief in it fostered unprecedented unity and cooperation among Christians and Jews who prepared for it together from the early 1600s.

Among its chief Christian proponents was Scottish Millennialist, early Puritan theologian and friend/agent of Oliver Cromwell, John Dury (1596-1680), who attempted to establish a College of Jewish Studies in London (despite the ban on Jews living openly in England). The primary Jewish proponent of millennialism was Manasseh Ben Israel (1604-1657), the renowned “Rabbi of Amsterdam,” arguably the most influential Jew of the Renaissance era. 

The common denominator in the theology of these men was the Judeo-Christian doctrine of a future, earthly thousand-year Millennial Kingdom to be established by the coming of the Messiah: a second coming to the Christians; a (perceived) first coming to the Jews. Undergirding this remarkable movement was what I have called “the most important forgotten truth of the bible,” the “two-house covenant,” in which the House of Judah is defined by Judaism, and the House of Israel is defined by Christianity. If you do not know this doctrine in its original pristine form, and recognize its absolute centrality to Bible history and prophecy, then stop reading this article until you read THIS short summary first. 

Millennialism was the great divider of the Romanized form of Christianity that slowly emerged after the Apostolic Age ended, but has always been the great unifier of Bible-based Yahweh-worshipers (both Christians and Jews) who embrace a literalist view of Bible prophecy. Roman Catholicism largely expunged the doctrine from Christendom under Constantine, formally codifying the Roman revisionist view in the doctrine of “Amillennial”-ism (literally “no millennial” kingdom) by treating millennial passages as purely metaphorical. Eleven centuries later, some branches of Protestantism continued to reject millennialism, adopting a new doctrine called “post-millennialism,” contending that the millennial kingdom had come and gone starting with the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.) (Why the next thousand years looked nothing at all like the prophecies describe is a question that never seems to get asked – but that’s a matter for another day.) 

But there was always a remnant of Millennialists in Christendom who emerged from time to time to the great irritation of the Roman Catholic Church. One very prominent emergence occurred in the 1400s in the Spanish Empire, becoming a leading motivator of the Spanish Inquisition’s campaign of forced conversions and brutal treatment of the Jews.

Among other things, the Jews were accused of “Judaizing” the Christians by seeking common ground with them in the millennial doctrine. While there had been many anti-Jewish pogroms in Christian history (just as followers of Jesus faced serious anti-Christian persecution at the hands of the Jews in the early years of the church), the Spanish Inquisition appears unique in that it triggered a sea-change in Jewish thinking, convincing them that their best defense against anti-Semitism going forward was to facilitate the breakup of the Roman Catholic monopoly in Christendom through the support of breakaway Christian sects which had also been targeted in the Inquisition. The most obvious faction to cultivate a partnership with was the Christian millennialists.

The most important early figure in the rise of what would later be called Protestantism was the Catholic theologian Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), on par with Erasmus in terms of eminence and scholarship. Unfortunately for him, Reuchlin was haled before the Inquisitors under charges of heresy leveled by certain Catholic Dominicans because of his successful lobbying on behalf of the Jews against a ban on all Jewish books by Emperor Maximillian I of the Holy Roman Empire (who rescinded it). Reuchlin won the trial but endured vicious “cancel-culture” persecution for the rest of his life. That drama (and his preeminent scholarship on the Hebrew to English translation of the Old Testament) heavily influenced the young Martin Luther (then a staunch philo-Semite because of Reuchlin). Significantly, Luther published his 95 Theses that launched the Protestant Reformation in 1517 just one year after Reuchlin’s acquittal, suggesting that Luther’s perspective on the RCC had likely been influenced by witnessing Reuchlin’s ordeal.

Ground Zero for millennialism and the Hebraic Movement was Leyden, Holland, where many Jews had fled over the prior century to escape the Inquisition. Leyden became a base of operation for building a partnership with Christians in Great Britain, whose national anti-papal Anglican Church had become the strongest theological bulwark against the Church of Rome and whose increasingly constitutionalism-tolerant government had become the strongest political rival to the Spanish Empire.

Although Jews had been banned from England since 1290, the Hebraic perspective of the Bible had already swept through the British Isles like wildfire in the form of Presbyterianism. Luther’s reassertion of “the priesthood of all believers” (in direct contradiction to the ecclesiastic hierarchy of Catholicism and Anglicanism) had found fertile soil in philo-Semite John Knox’s Scotland, where the world-changing movement of “Scottish Covenanters” and their development of self-governance through covenantal oaths (e.g. the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence) pioneered the political and theological ideals that would eventually define American constitutionalism.  

Along that road, those ideals made possible the “Republican Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland” under Oliver Cromwell in the 1650s, and triggered the Glorious Revolution in 1688. Not accidentally, Cromwell’s tenure marked the formal start of Anglo-Zionism – the political partnership of British Christians and Zionist Jews – which included a parallel theological track called British Israelism, rooted in millennialism. Cromwell’s inner circle included both John Dury and John Sadler (the Clerk of London), the latter of whom wrote one of the foundational documents of British Israelism. Both of these Christian millennialists heavily lobbied Cromwell to end the ban on Jews living in England, which he did in 1656.

After the Glorious Revolution (to oust the Roman Catholic King James II) had merged the Protestant British and Dutch monarchies (unifying the very two nations that were the power-bases of millennialism) the British Empire began a rapid, continuous geographic and geo-political expansion that only peaked in the early years of the 20th Century with 24% of the world’s surface under its control. 

Also along that road traveled the Pilgrim Separatists who landed one fateful day in November 1620 in Plymouth, Massachusetts, after a sojourn with the Jews in Leyden, Holland. Interestingly, the very first church built in Plymouth (a building I once spent a night in) is still standing there, on Leyden street, a monument to the blessings of Anglo-Zionism most Christians know almost nothing about.  

Among those blessings of Anglo-Zionism was the astonishing transformative spread across the globe of Jewish-tolerant Protestant Christianity by the British empire (and concomitant diminution of paganism), the establishment of the first, best and longest lasting constitutional republic in the history of the world (the US), and the worldwide normalization of the concept/practice of self governance under the rule of law, not men.


This article is the first of a series called The History of Judeo-Christian Millennialism. The next is titled How Anglo-Zionism Turned Evil.

Some of the facts cited in this first article are drawn from the book “Jewish Christians and Christian Jews: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment” edited by Richard H. Popkin and Gordon M. Weiner, which I highly recommend. I also recommend the book Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright (1902) by JH Allen, which I consider to be the best basic summary in print of the two house covenant (though I do not endorse its claims regarding the doctrine/history of British Israelism itself, about 80% of which I believe are debunked.) For a deeper dive into the two house teaching, see my book The Prodigal Son Prophecy .

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