NATO’s utter failure to impose “Western Liberal Democracy” (i.e., the LGBT agenda) on Russia through military defeat and Balkanization means – above every other consideration – the world’s alignment to LGBTism must be quickly scuttled (at least temporarily) to prevent the rapid expansion of Russian cultural influence in the community of nations.
For more than 20 years, I’ve been quite public in my support of Russia because I recognize the Russian Federation as the world’s best hope for rolling back the global LGBT agenda. That agenda has been the point of the leftist spear for nation-by-nation cultural regime change toward its ultimate goal of imposing a leftist-controlled global government on us all. I was awakened to the true nature of the LGBT threat as a baby Christian during the Reagan Revolution, and, after several years watching the agenda wreak havoc on America despite the best efforts of the church (and my own), I became an independent missionary to the global pro-family movement in the hope that the cancer we now call DEI could be forced into remission globally with a positive rebound effect eventually here at home.
I learned early on that the widespread social acceptance of homosexuality is the No. 1 key biblical harbinger of the wrath of God against corrupted human societies, from Noah’s Flood in Genesis to the Earth-cleansing judgments of Revelation – and thus have always recognized modern LGBTism for what it truly is: the satanic undermining of human civilization – including the Christian church. To that final point, my book “The Petros Prophecy” (a free resource) argues that the last-days heresy warned about by the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2 – and now blindingly evident in America – is so-called “gay theology.”
My first book, “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” (1995), exposed the “gay” origins of the Third Reich, serving basically as documentary evidence of Romans 1:18-32 in a modern context, and my recently published 6th edition is actually a separate stand-alone book emphasizing the Nazi roots of the American LGBT movement: “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets,” and why they matter to America today. I am offering it for free in PDF form through Jan. 21 in service to the pro-family/anti-DEI cause. Feel free to spread it everywhere to speed the removal of the LGBT ideological encrustations smothering all of our critical cultural and political institutions.
“The Pink Swastika” opened innumerable doors for me across the world to sound the warning about LGBTism and help raise international resistance against it, including a major speaking tour through the former Soviet Union, sponsored by a Russian-speaking denomination based in Riga, Latvia. Its founder Pastor Alexey Ledyaev had read “The Pink Swastika” 4th edition (my final collaboration with Kevin Abrams) and invited me to speak at their annual conference in Riga in 2006, leading to dozens of invitations to cities across Russian and Eastern Europe. I went home to California, closed down my law practice over the next six months, and then spent a year nation-hopping to strengthen the global pro-family movement in churches, universities, media and governments. I believe that tour played a small but significant part in bringing about the Russian ban on “gay” propaganda to children, starting as municipal law in the final city of my tour, St. Petersburg. That legislation was adopted in many other Russian cities, eventually being adopted by the national Duma and signed into law by President Putin in 2013 (triggering Obama’s epic globalist freakout and restart of the Cold War).
The main purpose for this article, however, is to applaud Russia’s victory in preventing NATO from using Ukraine as a weapon to defeat, subjugate and plunder the Russian Federation – and to highlight some of the geopolitical consequences of that victory both good and bad.
First, because Russia will NOT be forced to bow the knee to LGBTism (again, the core strategy for weakening resistance to globalism), the elites are forced to reverse course on the “Obama Doctrine” of aggressively shoving the “gay” agenda down the throats of every nation through sheer hegemonic coercion. Instead, they must rapidly scramble to prevent Russia from massively winning the hearts and minds of normalcy-craving populations globally – as was beginning to happen locally in Eastern Europe in 2013 immediately after the Russian propaganda ban took effect. The U.S. nipped that in the bud with the 2014 Obama/Soros coup in Ukraine – the true start of the Ukraine war – but now that their war strategy has failed, the elites must quickly pivot, dump their most fervent DEI pushers everywhere (e.g., Justin Trudeau), and replace them with more conservative-looking leaders (e.g., pro-NATO Giorgia Meloni). In line with that prediction, check out this blockbuster story on Blackrock’s panicked retreat from ESG policies. (Remember that the “S” in ESG means DEI.)
Already the ascendancy of Russian values in the minds of Europeans has forced the NATO puppet-masters to “cancel” a pro-Russian conservative election victory in Romania and to threaten the same in Germany should the Alternatives for Germany (AfG) party come to power as seems likely. The world won’t put up with too much more of that glaring hypocrisy without shifting even harder to Russia’s side (just as resulted in the U.S. from blatant leftist election fraud and lawfare against Trump).
(Incidentally, regarding the absurd accusation that an AfG win is equivalent to a return to Nazism, at my last big conference in Riga at Alexey’s church a few years ago, yours truly shared the stage with AfG Member of Parliament Herdt Waldemar, Israeli Knesset Member Yehuda Glick and a prominent Messianic Jewish church leader from Israel for two days of pro-Israel speeches and panel discussions.)
Second, big changes must take place to preserve American hegemony in the face of Russia’s BRICS alliance and to protect Israel from Russia’s Islamist “allies-of-necessity” (not Russia itself, which I believe wants good relations with Israel). These priorities are behind 1) the U.S. push to acquire Greenland and 2) the devil’s bargain with Turkey to remove Iran vassal Assad in Syria.
The Greenland acquisition is the back-up plan for ensuring sufficient supplies of rare earth elements needed for the U.S. to remain competitive with China (with whom we’ll soon be at war – hot or cold – under Trump). The original plan was to steal them from Russia while at the same time fulfilling the British forever-fantasy of totally subjugating the Russian Empire to British (NATO) vassalage. The Brits’ fingerprints are all over the Greenland fall-back scenario as seen here and here. (The Economist is still, I believe, the mouthpiece of the London-based Rothschild dynasty.)
The Assad take-down is a more problematic development that I will address in my next article: “Let’s talk Turkey about Islam.”