Visit the official 2018 Lively for Governor Website
On September 4, 2018, Scott garnered 36.1% of the vote in the Republican Primary , running for governor of Massachusetts against incumbent Charlie Baker. Looking at expenditures from January 1st through the primary, the Baker team (including the MassGOP and independent PACs) spent approximately $7 million to get approximately 175,000 votes for a cost of about $40 per vote. That doesn’t include millions of dollars in free media by pro-Baker corporate news organizations that either shunned or smeared Scott Lively while falsely lauding Charlie as “the Most Popular Governor in America.”
In contrast, the Lively campaign spent approximately $140,000 – with virtually no media and against a seriously stacked deck — to get approximately 100,000 votes at a cost of about $1.40 per vote.
In any case, this is the farthest our conservative movement has gotten in a gubernatorial contest in many years and we have built a sizable statewide army of grassroots activists which can move us further still in the future.
In 2014 I ran for Governor of Massachusetts and enjoyed the experience immensely.
I began the effort with a November 2012 article and blueprint for change titled “Time for New Coalition in the GOP:” Time for a new GOP which was remarkably similar in several key points to President Donald Trump’s slate of campaign issues in 2016.
I believe our team had a far greater impact on the state (and beyond) than my 20,000 vote 4th place finish (of 5) would suggest.
Considering that we spent less than $30,000, campaigned only part-time, and openly admitted we had no desire to actually win the race but only to have a platform to preach Biblical values, our showing was remarkable.
5th place finisher Jeff McCormick spent over a million dollars to get 17,000 votes and Evan Falchuk bought 3rd place (at around 70,000 votes) for over a million and a half. No Independent was ever going to win in MA anyhow, and the three of us (a leftist, a moderate and a conservative) collectively got only about 5% of the votes.
To have participated as a plain-speaking and uncompromising Christian conservative in both major debates (in which the Independents were included) as well as all panel discussions, been interviewed by countless media, and invited to speak at dozens of colleges and community centers in ultra-liberal Massachusetts was nothing short of a Miracle. My running mate Shelly Sanders and I called ourselves the Miracle Ticket and we got our miracle.
This page serves as an archive of the election highlights and our campaign efforts.
The Official 2014 Campaign Website
The Two Major Debates:
Springfield: http://wwlp.com/2014/09/29/candidates-for-governor-to-debate-in-springfield/
Boston: http://boston.cbslocal.com/video-gubernatorial-debate-october-2014/
Other Debates and Panel Discussions:
The LGBT Candidate Forum at Boston Public Library: http://news.wgbh.org/post/watch-full-massequality-gubernatorial-debate
Dimmock Center Health Care Debate