Following the example of Francis Marion, the infamous Swamp Fox, Swamp Rangers employ “irregular methods of warfare” to achieve their mission. Once a target is identified, Swamp Rangers working alone or in groups develop strategies and tactics specifically suited to that target. Sometimes the methods are open and traditional, such as recall campaigns, boycotts, buycotts, protests and pressure tactics, but often they are non-traditional and/or stealth tactics such as hidden-camera journalism — but in every case the methods are legal and ethical.
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Our Mission
Dr. Scott Lively has advocated and modeled the Biblical worldview as a writer, speaker, attorney, pastor, human rights consultant, and missionary for more than 30 years on five continents.
This website is devoted to converting Scott’s extensive and growing catalogue of books, articles, commentaries, interviews, and other materials into accessible free resources for use by those who share the goal of restoring a Judeo-Christian consensus in America and advancing the Biblical worldview around the globe.
To donate a tax-deductible gift or correspond by postal mail send to Scott Lively Ministries, PO Box 2373, Springfield, MA 01101.
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