Category Archives: Uncategorized

Will Trump facilitate the building of Third Temple?

Ever since Oct. 7, 2023, I’ve kept a healthy distance from the propaganda war of the Israelis and the diverse pack of Sunni and Shiite Muslim warlords represented collectively by “The Palestinians.” If ever Israel had a true peer in … Continue reading

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The Rainbow Road to Judicial Lawlessness

There’s always been a pot of gold for those willing to abuse power for the rainbow lobby. I am a 30-year conservative Christian veteran of the scorched-earth global LGBT culture war against natural family values and the Bible. I’ve worn … Continue reading

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The Truth about Fascism and Groomers

Trigger warning: This article employs a term that is considered the most “homophobic” of slurs against men who suffer with Same-Sex Attraction Disorder (SSAD). If you are a person so incapable of objectivity in LGBT matters that you cannot separate … Continue reading

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The Epstein Island of Boys

Anyone who’s ever looked deeply into the well of human sexual depravity will recognize that all deviance is measured against the standard of true normalcy: monogamous binary heterosexuality. It is a universal human norm, known in Christendom as the One-Flesh … Continue reading

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Helpful history for the growing anti-DEI movement

I have been very impressed with the anti-DEI efforts of conservative activist Robby Starbuck. In just the past year he has persuaded multiple major corporations, including Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, Jack Daniel’s, Lowe’s and Ford Motor Co., to scale … Continue reading

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A primer on Nazi Germany for MAGA patriots

The next time some smarmy leftist calls the MAGA movement fascist, hit back with the truth. Since WWII Americans have been so saturated with facts and fiction about Nazi Germany that most people think they know its history pretty well, … Continue reading

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Rainbow Reich: How the German gay movement groomed Hitler

Adolf Hitler did not create the Third Reich – it created him. What started as a nationalist movement dominated by butch male homosexuals grew from an idea to an empire, and as it did these ambitious men literally groomed the … Continue reading

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The current Jewish right to the Holy Land is not merit-based

WND publishes my regular columns on Tuesdays. Today’s posting corresponds with the deeply solemn Ninth of Av on the Hebrew calendar – the anniversary of the Hebrews’ fatal failure to obey God’s command to invade the Holy Land from the south under … Continue reading

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Islamo-Hebrew relations from Hagar to Hamas

When as a Christian law student in the mid-1990s I collaborated with the late Rabbi Samuel Dresner on a book project, he taught me to recognize many of the stories of the Old Testament (especially in Genesis) as cautionary tales: … Continue reading

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Zionism and the ‘Last Days War’ for Israel

This is the first in a series of articles explaining why the battle over “Zionism” that underlies all the wars of modern Israel is unfixable by anyone but Jesus Christ. When in 1897 a group of Jewish would-be nationalists in … Continue reading

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Kamala of Babylon

As a baby Christian in the relatively innocent mid-1980s, reading the Bible for the first time, I concluded that the end-times references to “beheaded” Christians must be metaphorical because such practices did not occur in the present age. Lol. Then … Continue reading

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The Danger of Deifying Donald Trump

Some of the assassination survival rhetoric from the right about President Trump is disturbingly messianic in tone. We witnessed similar talk from the Israelis during his first term of office, which is more understandable from the Jewish perspective of God-ordained … Continue reading

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The bullet that changed Trump’s trajectory

By the mercy of God, President Donald Trump was spared the assassin’s bullet that pierced his ear, and America was (for now) spared the horror of hopeless descent into Marxist hell. At this stage of the political world war, there … Continue reading

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‘Queers for Palestine’ has a Nazi precedent

Many people are mystified (because of Islam’s supposed hostility to homosexuals) that in 2024 American homosexuals would align with the Islamic terrorists of “Palestine.” I say “supposed,” because just as in all hyper-legalistic religions, the doctrine of the Islamic faith … Continue reading

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Observations on Steve Bannon’s imprisonment

My regular readers know that I have a slightly unusual writing style that typically features first-person observations and self-disclosures in the context of offering reasoned analysis on politics, history and theology. Since my early teens I’ve intentionally sought out diverse … Continue reading

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The timing and method of Biden’s removal

Unlike the many pundits who have concluded – in retrospect – that Biden’s debate debacle was an orchestrated coup by the Dem elites, my prediction of that coup and supporting analysis was published on WND two days before the debate, … Continue reading

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The Rainbow Mafia is foundering – even at Disneyland!

I never thought I’d live to see the day when the American public finally pushed back effectively against the LGBT Brownshirt Bully-Culture, but it’s happening right now on an impressive scale – even at Disney! First let’s review recent news … Continue reading

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Why June 27 will be another ‘Night of the Long Knives’

I believe Barack Obama has scheduled his faithful Avatar Joe Biden for political (not actual) “assassination,” live on CNN, on the night of the Trump/Biden “debate,” to pave the way for his own return to the White House on the coattails of … Continue reading

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J6 and the burning of the German Reichstag

By the grace of God I was not in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, or I’d probably be rotting away in the D.C. Gulag like the still-growing hundreds of MAGA political prisoners who fell into the entrapment nets set for … Continue reading

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The Nazi past and present of the WEF

“It should not be forgotten that the Hitlerian myth of superman proceeds directly from Nietzsche. This superman is indeed resolute man, man freed from all the bourgeois conventions, cynical man, man who replaces his creator, and a man-god. As Hitler … Continue reading

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