Category Archives: Uncategorized

Break free from the uniparty’s dominance with the ‘Law of Sex’

The rules and left/right vocabulary of the “culture war” were invented by the godless elites to control social change to serve themselves. The terms originate in revolutionary France where the Monarchists sat on the right and the Proto-Marxists, supposedly representing … Continue reading

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The Trump ‘conviction’ and an end-time scenario

I was not shocked by the ruling of the Merchan Kangaroo Kourt, though I was hoping the jurors would recognize the danger to the rule of law their complicity in Merchan’s blatant witch-hunt would represent. We’re in unchartered waters now … Continue reading

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God’s warning to Christian anti-Semites

“I am God, and there is none like Me. I declare the end from the beginning, and ancient times from what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and all My good pleasure I will accomplish.’” – Isaiah … Continue reading

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The poison pen and personality of Judge Michael Ponsor

First published 5/27/24 I’ve never laughed so hard in my life as when I read The Gateway Pundit story on Massachusetts Federal Judge Michael Ponsor accusing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito of unethical conduct for supposedly flying his U.S. flag upside down … Continue reading

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Elites take big step toward ‘stroking out’ old Joe

First published 5/17/24 It’s been two months since I published my WND column titled “‘Joey the Scapegoat’ will soon exit stage left,” in which I reiterated my predictions – going all the way back to the Democratic Convention of 2020 – that … Continue reading

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The last gasp of the Boy Scouts of America

First published 5/13/24 In the Cultural Marxists’ “long march through the institutions,” perhaps their toughest conquest was the Boy Scouts of America. This past week the BSA finally fully succumbed to the life-draining internal parasites with which it was infected 11 years … Continue reading

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Vote dilution: A different kind of election tampering

First published 5/9/24 “One person, one vote” is a core constitutional principle and citizen’s right. While it is not specifically enumerated in the Constitution, it’s logic is implicit in Article I, Section 2 (which governs legislative redistricting), the Equal Protection … Continue reading

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Confessions of a ‘hate criminal’

First published 5/2/24 The remnant of Western civilization, which still values freedom of speech and other classical ethics and virtues, is aghast at Canada’s Stalinesque “online harms bill,” which would punish so-called “hate speech” with penalties up to life imprisonment, … Continue reading

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Trump’s path to victory on abortion

First published 4/29/24 I’ve been engaged in a private email debate with “Earl,” a WND reader, on whether or not Donald Trump qualifies for public office under the biblical standard. Earl is a hardcore Never-Trumper trying to ground his arguments … Continue reading

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RFK Jr., the Natural Law Party and universal natural rights

First published 4/28/2024 The biggest news domestically this week was that Robert Kennedy Jr. got on the ballot in Michigan with the help of the Natural Law Party. Most Americans have never heard of this transnational political party founded on … Continue reading

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Perv-pandering Pence pivots to compromised Christian college

During the bulk of his tenure as Donald Trump’s supposedly loyal vice president, my opinion of Mike Pence rose higher than my previous view. He first appeared on my RINO radar a few years earlier when, as Indiana governor, he … Continue reading

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The Strong Commonalities of Russia and Israel

All my life I’ve been pro-Israel for reasons I never gave much thought, and several adult Jews I encountered in my troubled life as a teenager were a great blessing to me at pivotal moments. I was decidedly non-religious then … Continue reading

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Eugenics and America’s Fertility Crisis

Like many voters, I never realized in vitro fertilization was such a big deal politically until Alabama rightfully acknowledged that embryos are human beings and in-state IVF companies reacted by scaling back or shutting down to avoid legal liability for … Continue reading

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Easter/Passover is only half the story of salvation

“These are the animals which you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat …” – Deuteronomy 14:4 The most profound truth ever revealed to me by the Holy Spirit as an already saved and justified Christian was the centrality … Continue reading

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Indiana Jones and Ashes of the Red Heifer

Until this very morning I did not know that Stephen Spielberg’s character Indiana Jones may have been based on a real person named Vendyl Jones, nor that one actual quest this man was pursuing was to find the ashes of … Continue reading

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The Third Temple and the Day of the Lord

“Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day…The …Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will … Continue reading

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‘Joey the Scapegoat’ will soon exit stage left

Originally published 3/11/2024 I have great respect for former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie of Revolver News whose work is truly and consistently stellar, but I must respectfully disagree with him on his March 7 article, “The Left Has to Replace … Continue reading

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My Cornered-Rat-o-meter is Spiking to Dangerous Levels

It’s been an amazing week of wins for President Trump, the MAGA Movement, the J6 POWs and all freedom-lovers in America. All the warheads in the left’s anti-Trump lawfare clusterbomb are present spinning wildly off into space and likely to … Continue reading

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Karl Marx and the Serpent Reasoning of Almost Christians

First published 2 25 2024 “The way to Hell is paved with good intentions,” Karl Marx, Das Kapital: The Production of Surplus-Value, Vol. One, Chapter Seven, Section 2. And [the serpent] said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You … Continue reading

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Stranded in Middle Earth

My regular readers know that I generally write about current events, theology and geopolitics in a testimonial style and live my life to maximize my experience-based insights. Much of what I experience is directed more by God than by myself … Continue reading

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