Author Archives: admin

The bullet that changed Trump’s trajectory

By the mercy of God, President Donald Trump was spared the assassin’s bullet that pierced his ear, and America was (for now) spared the horror of hopeless descent into Marxist hell. At this stage of the political world war, there … Continue reading

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‘Queers for Palestine’ has a Nazi precedent

Many people are mystified (because of Islam’s supposed hostility to homosexuals) that in 2024 American homosexuals would align with the Islamic terrorists of “Palestine.” I say “supposed,” because just as in all hyper-legalistic religions, the doctrine of the Islamic faith … Continue reading

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Observations on Steve Bannon’s imprisonment

My regular readers know that I have a slightly unusual writing style that typically features first-person observations and self-disclosures in the context of offering reasoned analysis on politics, history and theology. Since my early teens I’ve intentionally sought out diverse … Continue reading

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The timing and method of Biden’s removal

Unlike the many pundits who have concluded – in retrospect – that Biden’s debate debacle was an orchestrated coup by the Dem elites, my prediction of that coup and supporting analysis was published on WND two days before the debate, … Continue reading

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The Rainbow Mafia is foundering – even at Disneyland!

I never thought I’d live to see the day when the American public finally pushed back effectively against the LGBT Brownshirt Bully-Culture, but it’s happening right now on an impressive scale – even at Disney! First let’s review recent news … Continue reading

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Why June 27 will be another ‘Night of the Long Knives’

I believe Barack Obama has scheduled his faithful Avatar Joe Biden for political (not actual) “assassination,” live on CNN, on the night of the Trump/Biden “debate,” to pave the way for his own return to the White House on the coattails of … Continue reading

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J6 and the burning of the German Reichstag

By the grace of God I was not in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, or I’d probably be rotting away in the D.C. Gulag like the still-growing hundreds of MAGA political prisoners who fell into the entrapment nets set for … Continue reading

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The Nazi past and present of the WEF

“It should not be forgotten that the Hitlerian myth of superman proceeds directly from Nietzsche. This superman is indeed resolute man, man freed from all the bourgeois conventions, cynical man, man who replaces his creator, and a man-god. As Hitler … Continue reading

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Break free from the uniparty’s dominance with the ‘Law of Sex’

The rules and left/right vocabulary of the “culture war” were invented by the godless elites to control social change to serve themselves. The terms originate in revolutionary France where the Monarchists sat on the right and the Proto-Marxists, supposedly representing … Continue reading

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The Trump ‘conviction’ and an end-time scenario

I was not shocked by the ruling of the Merchan Kangaroo Kourt, though I was hoping the jurors would recognize the danger to the rule of law their complicity in Merchan’s blatant witch-hunt would represent. We’re in unchartered waters now … Continue reading

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God’s warning to Christian anti-Semites

“I am God, and there is none like Me. I declare the end from the beginning, and ancient times from what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and all My good pleasure I will accomplish.’” – Isaiah … Continue reading

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The poison pen and personality of Judge Michael Ponsor

First published 5/27/24 I’ve never laughed so hard in my life as when I read The Gateway Pundit story on Massachusetts Federal Judge Michael Ponsor accusing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito of unethical conduct for supposedly flying his U.S. flag upside down … Continue reading

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Elites take big step toward ‘stroking out’ old Joe

First published 5/17/24 It’s been two months since I published my WND column titled “‘Joey the Scapegoat’ will soon exit stage left,” in which I reiterated my predictions – going all the way back to the Democratic Convention of 2020 – that … Continue reading

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The last gasp of the Boy Scouts of America

First published 5/13/24 In the Cultural Marxists’ “long march through the institutions,” perhaps their toughest conquest was the Boy Scouts of America. This past week the BSA finally fully succumbed to the life-draining internal parasites with which it was infected 11 years … Continue reading

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Vote dilution: A different kind of election tampering

First published 5/9/24 “One person, one vote” is a core constitutional principle and citizen’s right. While it is not specifically enumerated in the Constitution, it’s logic is implicit in Article I, Section 2 (which governs legislative redistricting), the Equal Protection … Continue reading

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Confessions of a ‘hate criminal’

First published 5/2/24 The remnant of Western civilization, which still values freedom of speech and other classical ethics and virtues, is aghast at Canada’s Stalinesque “online harms bill,” which would punish so-called “hate speech” with penalties up to life imprisonment, … Continue reading

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Trump’s path to victory on abortion

First published 4/29/24 I’ve been engaged in a private email debate with “Earl,” a WND reader, on whether or not Donald Trump qualifies for public office under the biblical standard. Earl is a hardcore Never-Trumper trying to ground his arguments … Continue reading

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RFK Jr., the Natural Law Party and universal natural rights

First published 4/28/2024 The biggest news domestically this week was that Robert Kennedy Jr. got on the ballot in Michigan with the help of the Natural Law Party. Most Americans have never heard of this transnational political party founded on … Continue reading

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Perv-pandering Pence pivots to compromised Christian college

During the bulk of his tenure as Donald Trump’s supposedly loyal vice president, my opinion of Mike Pence rose higher than my previous view. He first appeared on my RINO radar a few years earlier when, as Indiana governor, he … Continue reading

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The Strong Commonalities of Russia and Israel

All my life I’ve been pro-Israel for reasons I never gave much thought, and several adult Jews I encountered in my troubled life as a teenager were a great blessing to me at pivotal moments. I was decidedly non-religious then … Continue reading

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