Author Archives: admin

Eugenics and America’s Fertility Crisis

Like many voters, I never realized in vitro fertilization was such a big deal politically until Alabama rightfully acknowledged that embryos are human beings and in-state IVF companies reacted by scaling back or shutting down to avoid legal liability for … Continue reading

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Easter/Passover is only half the story of salvation

“These are the animals which you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat …” – Deuteronomy 14:4 The most profound truth ever revealed to me by the Holy Spirit as an already saved and justified Christian was the centrality … Continue reading

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Indiana Jones and Ashes of the Red Heifer

Until this very morning I did not know that Stephen Spielberg’s character Indiana Jones may have been based on a real person named Vendyl Jones, nor that one actual quest this man was pursuing was to find the ashes of … Continue reading

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The Third Temple and the Day of the Lord

“Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day…The …Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will … Continue reading

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‘Joey the Scapegoat’ will soon exit stage left

Originally published 3/11/2024 I have great respect for former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie of Revolver News whose work is truly and consistently stellar, but I must respectfully disagree with him on his March 7 article, “The Left Has to Replace … Continue reading

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My Cornered-Rat-o-meter is Spiking to Dangerous Levels

It’s been an amazing week of wins for President Trump, the MAGA Movement, the J6 POWs and all freedom-lovers in America. All the warheads in the left’s anti-Trump lawfare clusterbomb are present spinning wildly off into space and likely to … Continue reading

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Karl Marx and the Serpent Reasoning of Almost Christians

First published 2 25 2024 “The way to Hell is paved with good intentions,” Karl Marx, Das Kapital: The Production of Surplus-Value, Vol. One, Chapter Seven, Section 2. And [the serpent] said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You … Continue reading

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Stranded in Middle Earth

My regular readers know that I generally write about current events, theology and geopolitics in a testimonial style and live my life to maximize my experience-based insights. Much of what I experience is directed more by God than by myself … Continue reading

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Transgenderism and the Occult

My spiritual path started with childhood Roman Catholicism and has led through many diverse realms of Christendom to what I describe today as a Bible-centered pre-Roman, small “c” catholic Christianity with a Hebrew-roots orientation modeled on the Apostles – most … Continue reading

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The conquest of demons and ‘pharmakeia’

First published on WND, 1 /29.2024 — To purchase this book, click the cover graphic. My primary foray into the scholarship of demonology is a three-book series under the title “Dynasty of Darkness.” The first volume, “Antichrists of the Ancient … Continue reading

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Updating My Pet Conspiracy Theories

First published on WND, 1/22/2023 It may only be that I’m proving the old saying that fools rush in where angels fear to tread, but I am one of the rare few who don’t shun the label “conspiracy theorist.” Conspiring … Continue reading

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Mapping the Swamp

In my recent article “The Swamp Rangers vs. Barack’s Borg,” I announced my revival of The Swamp Rangers network I had begun to form back in late 2020 in anticipation of a contiguous second term for Trump in which the biggest task … Continue reading

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The plan to put Barack Obama back in the White House

First published on WND, 1/12/2024 Talk is heating up again about “Big Mike” Obama being the Democrats’ choice to replace Joey the Scapegoat when they finally pull the plug on his sham presidency. Arguments against that possibility always seem to … Continue reading

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The Swamp Rangers vs. Barack’s Borg

In my recent column “God vs. the devil in American constitutional law,” I promised to follow up with strategy to fight the normalization of Satanism in the courts – but the courts are only a small part of the problem, so I’ve … Continue reading

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Time to take the gloves off in 2024

First published at WND, 1/1/2024 When the romantic idealism of the golden rule meets the cold reality of lawless barbarism on the cultural battlefield – who wins? This weekend I had an email exchange with a long-time supporter who started … Continue reading

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A Place to Lay My Head

First published in The Lively Letter, 12/29/2023 When I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ back in February of 1986, it was because I had finally hit rock bottom in my sixteen year addiction to drugs and alcohol. My downward … Continue reading

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God vs. the devil in American constitutional law

First published on WND, 12/27/2023 At the height of my pro-life street activism just after the turn of the millennium, I bought a full-body Satan costume and made a 3-by-6-foot foam-board into a sign shaped like an arrow. It read … Continue reading

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Mary’s Moment, Christmas Eve

I’ve been email friends for several years with a man named Michael Roane whose spiritual maturity and love for modeling and teaching the biblical worldview has impressed me. He graciously agreed to let me share some of his insights on … Continue reading

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Goodwill Toward Men

First published on WND, 12/18/2023 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a great multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!” … Continue reading

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Updating an Ancient Hard Edged Hymn

Updating an Ancient Hard Edged Hymn, 12/15/2023 In 1542, Martin Luther published his classic hymn “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word,” the original version of which began “Lord, keep us in thy Word and work, Restrain the murderous Pope … Continue reading

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