Category Archives: Uncategorized

The People of the Book vs Transhumanism

The People of the Book vs Transhumanism, 12/2/2023 I’ve had harsh words for the Islamists in recent articles relative to their attempted re-conquest of Israel through terror and international cultural pressure, but I’ve not changed my missionary heart toward the … Continue reading

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Jews vs Jihad Janissaries

Jews vs Jihad Janissaries, 11/24/2023 In early March of 2022, about one week into the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, I published an article titled Human Shields and Swords in Ukraine and America. The main thrust of the piece … Continue reading

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Oppression Theology and “Black Privilege.”

Oppression Theology and ‘Black Privilege,’ 11/20/2023 In my last column, Why the Palestinians Refuse to Civilize, I put the Israel/Hamas conflict in its proper perspective as the inevitable fruit of cultural Marxism’s division of all humanity into oppressors and the … Continue reading

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The Cult of Anti-Zionism

The Cult of Anti-Zionism, 11/12/2023 In my prior column I promised to explain my phrase “the Cult of Anti-Zionism.” According to Google Summarizer a cult is “a social group with socially deviant or novel religious, philosophical or spiritual beliefs and … Continue reading

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Why the Palestinians Refuse to Civilize

Why the Palestinians Refuse to Civilize, 11/8/2023 On my fourth trip to Israel I led a church tour group from Riverside, California – a two week tour timed to coincide with 10 Days of Awe, which starts with Yom Teruah … Continue reading

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Vladimir Putin’s Dangerous Game

Vladimir Putin’s Dangerous Game. 11/1/2023 I have never been afraid to show my respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom I believe is the most competent, effective and law abiding head of state on the five member UN Security Council. … Continue reading

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The Real War for Israel

The Real War for Israel 10/29/2023 It is often said that truth is the first casualty of war but that is a lie. Jesus is Himself the embodiment of truth (John 14:6) and He abides eternally as the Builder and … Continue reading

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Frankenstein Goes to Harvard

Mary Shelly’s immortal classic has become a real life morality tale to liberal Jews who created a monster they can’t control. I’m not talking about Hamas – at least not directly – but about Harvard University. It’s late October and … Continue reading

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The Hebrews Irrevocable Right to the Holy Land

In Genesis, God gave irrevocable title to the Holy Land to the Hebrews. “On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, ‘To your descendants I have given this land – from the river of Egypt to the … Continue reading

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October is Gay Recruitment Month

While the world’s attention has been drawn to the spectacle of the The Mideast Road to WWIII, here at home the wholesale recruitment of America’s children into the LGBT sex cult has again picked up speed. This is the true priority … Continue reading

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The Mideast Road to WWIII

Note: This is a re-write of Dr. Lively’s prior post “WWIII as a Facilitator of Something Worse.” In my WND column of last week, “The race to global government,” I summarized the post-Reagan globalist takeover of our national government and international alliances … Continue reading

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WWIII As the Facilitator of Something Worse

Just yesterday as I write this, the world was shaken by the shockingly savage Hamas surprise attack on Southern Israel, tied closely to Iran in initial media reports. Israel now has its 9/11-level justification for taking out Iran’s nuclear capabilities … Continue reading

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The Race to Global Government: A Timeline

“The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.“ – Eric Schmidt During my stint as the California state director of Don Wildmon’s American Family … Continue reading

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A contrarian Trump scenario for 2024

When state security services like the CIA or KGB want to plant an essential top-tier agent deep into enemy territory, they build a narrative around him that makes his loyalty to that enemy’s agenda seem unassailable. Intelligence and law enforcement … Continue reading

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The Global Showdown of Anglo-Zionism and the Russian Empire

As Russia and the BRICS Alliance increasingly challenge US global hegemony, Americans will increasingly be confronted about the history of “Anglo-Zionism.” Here is some historical analysis on what that phrase really means.  The most illuminating book I have ever read aside … Continue reading

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The Impending Dem Bum-Rush of ‘Joey the Scapegoat’

(All Glory to God for the things shared in this testimony. It was all Him using a willing vessel.) Joe Biden was never intended to become “President” of the United States in 2020. That slot was intended for Elizabeth Warren … Continue reading

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Brazil and the Crisis of BRICS

In one of the little ironies of history, Edward Gibbons began publishing six volume writing project, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1776, just as what would become the American Empire was being launched … Continue reading

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The Rivalry of Joseph and Judah

The division of Jacob’s covenantal inheritance into two separate houses occurred simply by his marrying two wives, Leah (House of Judah) and Rachel (House of Israel). The rivalry of these two houses for power and influence among the twelve-tribe nation began … Continue reading

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BRICS and Loans May Break Our Bones

I’ve been pretty much housebound in our little cottage during the summer heat wave here in super-humid Memphis so I’ve begun playing a computer game called Civilization as a diversion from my various book-writing projects. It’s the 5th generation of … Continue reading

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The Boy Scouts of Gomorrica

by Dr. Scott Lively, 8/5/2023 1992:‘NAMBLA calls on the Boy Scouts of America to cease its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in the appointment of its scout masters. This will permit scouts to be exposed to a variety … Continue reading

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