Redeeming the Rainbow

Today I gave a three hour seminar in Oklahoma City based on my 2009 textbook Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the “Gay” Agenda.  This is the book I wrote to equip Christians to understand and effectively respond to the homosexual agenda.  It may be downloaded in PDF form without charge at  The file is small enough to send as an e-mail attachment and I encourage people to send it to all of their pro-family friends.

This is the book I was finalizing during my 2009 Uganda conference (and the basis of my lectures there) which subsequently brought the wrath of the radical left upon me and has led to the outrageous SMUG lawsuit filed against me (for “Crimes Against Humanity” no less) last month in federal court in Springfield, MA where I now live.  I will address that lawsuit in a separate post at a later date.

My seminar today was attended by none other than Wayne Besen of Truth Will Out, a prominent “gay” blogger.  He was civil and polite for the most part, but visibly quite agitated and finally left the seminar after being criticized by another man for interrupting me.  There were two women in the audience as well whom I suspect, based upon their questions, were lesbians. 

I do not vary my presentations based on the presence of opponents.  I seek always to teach forthrightly what I know and believe to whomever wants to listen.  

Redeeming the Rainbow is the only book of its kind, filled with straightforward explanations of the the history, methods, strategies and goals of the homosexual movement, and practical, user-friendly guidelines on how to respond to it.  If every Christian in America were to read this book it would, I believe, dramatically change the national debate in our favor.   


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