A Letter to the International Pro-Family Movement

I am Dr. Scott Lively, an attorney, pastor and President of Defend the Family International. For the past quarter century my ministry has been devoted to exposing and opposing the now-global homosexual movement, primarily in the United States, but with activity in more than thirty countries. I have been named public enemy number one by the world’s largest homosexual organization, the Human Rights Campaign, labeled a “hate group” by the uber-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, and targeted for personal destruction by the George Soros-funded Center For Constitutional Rights in a federal lawsuit (utilizing a team of fourteen lawyers), charging me with “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching a reasoned, factual and non-violent message against homosexuality in Uganda.

I am in truth just a simple Christian missionary, running a one-man office with an annual budget of less than $120,000, but the enormously wealthy and powerful international homosexual network considers me one of it’s greatest threats. Why? Because I know nearly as much about their history, strategies and tactics as they do and my life’s work has been to empower and equip pro-family activists around the world with those facts.

Importantly, I have personally experienced or been an eyewitness to every form of harassment, intimidation and sabotage that homosexualists’ employ to destroy anyone who dares to stand up to them. While I have known both male and female homosexuals who seemed like genuinely decent people despite being ensnared in sexual disoriention, I can confirm the warning of the Bible in Romans 1:24-32 that (in contrast) the Leaders and Activists of the LGBT movement are malicious deceivers and evil-doers, deliberately subverting civilized society and viciously attacking all opponents to advance their selfish and self-destructive interests.

I have paid a heavy price for the authority with which I speak, and I urge you to give credence to my testimony.

We must above all be honest with ourselves. With the Obergefell v Hodges so-called “gay marriage” decision of the United States Supreme Court, the American pro-family movement has been set back dramatically — to a position equivalent to that of the pro-life movement in 1973. Indeed, Obergefell is rightly described by many as the Roe v Wade of the homosexual issue, which fact has profound implications for us all.

My ministry is one of only a dozen or so single-issue pro-family organizations in the United States who speak the truth about homosexuality boldly and unapologetically, most of which are similarly small and not well funded. With a couple of exceptions, the larger multi-issue Christian conservative groups are shackled by fear of the politically-correct media and are unwilling to base their arguments on the abnormality of homosexuality itself, acquiescing to many key homosexual demands such as civil unions and sexual orientation regulations, thereby severely undermining their moral authority.

One by one, all of the influential secular institutions of the United States have capitulated to a decades-long campaign of homosexual bullying and to such a degree that today even the once staunchly conservative US Chamber of Commerce has become a tool of “gay” social engineering.

The American public education system (from pre-school through graduate school), our social media giants, and the majority of our news and entertainment media are not just pro-homosexual, but militantly so.

Our government is in the hands of a man called “The First Gay President” by Newsweek magazine (which intended it as a compliment), who has made the global advancement of homosexuality such a priority of his administration that over $700 million has been devoted to it in just the past three years.

Only the Christian church (and Torah-faithful Jews) continue to stand against the homosexual agenda in America and most of the western world. However, subjected as it is to constant, aggressive pro-“gay” advocacy and suppression of pro-family dissent in the popular culture and key institutions, the church is weakening, especially among its most vulnerable members, the youth.

That is the unfortunate reality not just in the United States, but the UK, Canada, the EU, and much of the rest of the western world.

Yet, though our situation is dire, even in the United States there remains work that can be done to reverse the current trend for those with long-term vision. And if we adopt a global perspective, and are willing to build intra-national cooperation with morally-conservative countries (who still represent the vast majority of the world’s population), there is realistic cause for optimism.

In my view as a veteran Christian missionary to the international pro-family movement there are three things we must do.

Inoculate the Church Against “Gay Theology”

First, we must protect and strengthen the Christian church by promoting Biblical literacy and fidelity regarding sexuality, marriage and family. Satan’s greatest weapon against mankind has always been to sow doubt about God’s Word and to present a plausible counterfeit alternative to those weak in faith and knowledge. The question, “Did God really say that?” was his trap in the Garden regarding the first sin, and it is his trap today regarding homosexuality. The more ignorant that Christians are of the Bible’s stark warning about the personal and sociological dangers of homosexuality, the easier they are deceived.

For example, the now globally ubiquitous and seductive lie that homosexuality is innate and unchangeable, is directly and unmistakably refuted by 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, meaning that Christians who agree that “gays” are “born that way” and cannot change are literally denying Christ‘s authority and power, to their own spiritual peril.

Importantly, that lie is only one component of so-called “Gay Theology,” a sophisticated and detailed revision of Biblical teachings on homosexuality in one unified and comprehensive package. Launched as a new variant of “gay” political propaganda in the 1980s by the openly homosexual historical revisionist John E Boswell of Yale University (who died in 1994 of AIDS), “Gay Theology” quickly evolved into a powerful tool of LGBT political activism and a central doctrine of numerous left-leaning Christian denominations. “Gay Theology” today represents the great heresy of our time and is advancing rapidly throughout the world, primarily among young people.

I have created a short pamphlet titled “NOT Just Another Sin” which outlines the Biblical case against homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation in a chronological series of bullet points. I expanded upon and explained how these references, when taken together, represent “The Forgotten Last Days Warning About Homosexuality in the Bible” in an 18-page article with that title. Both of these resources are located here: http://www.scottlively.net/2014/08/19/not-just-another-sin/

Whether or not you choose to utilize these particular free resources or others that may be available on the Internet, it is essential that the church awaken to this threat and begin inoculating all Christian believers against “Gay Theology.”

Repeal or Amend All Sexual Orientation Regulations and Restore the Right to Discriminate Against Homosexual Conduct

Second, we must redirect our focus against homosexuality itself and not secondary cultural battles. The Bible warns, and human experience confirms that homosexuality is abnormal, unnatural and perverse conduct with severe personal and social consequences.  It is not only appropriate, but necessary to social health and order to discriminate against homosexual conduct and ideology — even as we distinguish the person-hood of those who identify as homosexuals from their destructive lifestyle.

“Love the sinner, hate the sin,” is a well-used and beautifully succinct summary of Christian theology on the matter, but somewhere along the way our movement got so focused on trying to show love for the sinner that we stopped reminding people why they should hate the sin. Probably because we got tricked into a posture of defensiveness by the “gay” movement’s cynical tactic of equating all disagreement with their political agenda as hatred and fear of the “gays” themselves (thus the term “homophobia,” which literally defines all disapproval of homosexuality as an anxiety disorder).

Not surprisingly, it was about that time in the American culture war when the pro-family side started losing the battles. Previously, when our campaigns exposed facts about homosexual practices, crimes, “gay” history, the relationship of homosexuality to pederasty, disease and mental illness, “hate-crime” hoaxes, and the corrupt conduct of “gay” leaders and activists, we won. When we started self-censoring those facts to try to prove we weren’t “haters,” we began to lose.

Recognizing our vulnerability, the “gays” began devoting themselves fully to pushing “anti-discrimination” policies defining “sexual orientation” as a basis for civil rights minority status. These Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) enshrine into law the logical premise that disapproval of homosexuality is morally wrong and must be publicly discouraged. They turn reality on its head and lead ultimately to the criminalization of Biblical Christianity. Moreover, wherever they have been enacted anywhere in the world, these SORs have proven to be the seed that contains the entire tree of the homosexual political agenda, with all of its poisonous fruit: “gay” marriage, “gay” adoption, indoctrination of public school children with “gay” propaganda, public funding of “gay” institutions, etcetera. Once the seed is planted, the entire agenda comes forth in steady incremental stages while dissent is increasingly punished.

It is this same flawed logical premise that allowed homosexuality to be granted the status of a “human right” in international law, one that increasingly now trumps the authentic human rights of religious freedom and natural family values.

In countries that have not yet adopted SORs, the pro-family movement should devote itself to preventing their enactment, and even passing prophylactic legislation recognizing the right of individuals, churches and businesses to favor natural family values and discriminate against homosexual conduct and ideology. Where SORs have already been enacted they must be repealed or amended to favor freedom of speech and religious liberty. I have drafted a model prophylactic statute for the American context, and a separate version of this model which may be used to amend existing SORs. Both may be adapted for use in other countries: http://www.scottlively.net/2013/07/24/the-first-amendment-supremacy-clause-fact-sheet/

Persuade Family-Friendly Nations to Adopt the Russian Ban on Homosexual Propaganda to Children

Third, we need to build international pro-family solidarity on a foundation of genuine moral authority, meaning it must rest on the premise that homosexuality itself is personally and socially harmful, and not pretend that our only social and political interests are the “welfare of children” or the “definition of marriage.” That pretense is a product of the same diseased pro-family “leadership” that marched the American pro-family movement from one disastrous defeat to the next for the past three decades, and it is now being exported to the rest of the world by the same men.

The beauty of the Russian law is it cuts right to the heart of the real problem of LGBT advocacy: the recruitment of children. What I mean by recruitment of children is not primarily the sexual exploitation of young people by adult homosexuals, though that represents a dark current within the larger “gay” culture, especially among the men. What I mean is the normalization of homosexual conduct and culture to children and youths, leading them to engage in homosexual experimentation among themselves and subsequently self-identify as “gay.” An entire generation of American, British and Canadian children has been enslaved to this corrupt culture and ideology through the very propaganda that Russia has now banned.

While numerous countries of the African continent have chosen a much stricter approach, seeking to deter all homosexual conduct through harsh criminal sanctions, the Russian law balances the privacy rights of adult homosexuals (who choose to live discretely outside the mainstream of society) with the need of the nation to protect its children from the ravages of sexual perversion. It deters the LGBT lobby from attempting to mainstream the “gay” lifestyle, while granting the individual members of its community the “right to be left alone” that was the original stated goal of their movement in its early years, before it adopted the militant fascist tactics it is known for today.

I have been falsely accused of masterminding the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill which initially included the death penalty for repeat homosexual offenders, though I had strongly encouraged the Ugandan Parliament to emphasize rehabilitation and prevention, not punishment in my address to its members in 2009. However, I am proud to say that I believe I played a small part in the adoption of the Russian law by advocating for such a policy in a 50-city speaking tour of Russia and the former Soviet Union in 2006 and 2007, ending in St. Petersburg where I published my Letter to the Russian People outlining my public policy recommendations. St. Petersburg became the first city to pass the law a couple of years later. http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/archives.php?id=5225300

My purpose in writing this Letter to the International Pro-Family Movement is to have a similar influence in the direction of public policy in other family-friendly nations.

I urge every pro-family advocate across the world to personally adopt the three simple goals outlined in this letter and to work toward their implementation. I further offer my services as a consultant, lecturer and/or strategist to assist pro-family advocacy groups around the world to achieve these goals.

Lastly, let us all pray that 2016 will be the year when the LGBT global campaign to homosexualize the world will finally be turned back.

Your Ally in the Cause of Truth,

Dr. Scott Lively

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