An Open Letter to Christian Leaders in America

The “NOT Just Another Sin” Project…


Dear Fellow Servants of Christ,

On June 28, 1969 the homosexual political movement, which had previously defined its goal as “the right to be left alone,” took a militant turn.  At the Stonewall Bar on Christopher Street in New York City, “gay” activists rioted against police who tried to arrest an underage “drag queen” prostitute.  That episode of violent rebellion is now commemorated annually as “Gay Pride Day.”

Their inspiration was Herbert Marcuse, the German-born philosopher and political strategist who headed the “Frankfort School” of Cultural Marxism.  From a perch in the highest branches of American academia Marcuse railed against “the repressive order of procreative sexuality” and called for the “disintegration of the…monogamic and patriarchal family.”*

In 1972, two hundred homosexual organizations, representing the entire LGBT movement, met in Chicago to outline their Marcusian agenda: a blueprint for supplanting Biblical morality with sexual anarchy — in essence, the overthrow of family-centered Christian civilization.

In 1973, their “long march through the institutions” began with the political takeover of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine homosexuality as psychologically healthy.

In 2013, after just forty years, the last secular institution to resist LGBT bullying was finally subdued: the Boy Scouts of America.

One last barrier to “gay“ cultural hegemony remains: the Christian church.  All of the battle-hardened “gay rights” activists with all of their formidable resources are mobilized for an assault on Christianity itself under the hijacked rainbow banner of  “Gay Theology.”   Indeed, the process has already begun, like the retreat of the tide before the tsunami.

Recently I debated a young Christian pop star named Vicky Beeching on a British news program.  Beeching, an attractive and charismatic woman with a large following among young people, has “come out” as a lesbian to tremendous fanfare by the secular media.  She will undoubtedly lead many astray, but, importantly, she is only one agent among tens of thousands poised to lay siege to Biblical truth both from without and within the church walls.

Watch that debate here:

In late 2013 I began working on a simple tool to warn and equip the church to resist the impending onslaught.  That finished tool is a brochure titled “NOT Just Another Sin” which succinctly summarizes the Biblical case against homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation.  In short, the Bible identifies rampant homosexuality in society as the harbinger of God’s wrath.  It is decidedly Not “just another sin.”

Not Just Another Sin Brochure FINAL


Full article on which this brochure is based: Forgotten Last Days Warning About Homosexuality in the Bible

This is not a marketing campaign.  We are not offering the brochure for sale.  We simply want  your help to quickly disseminate the brochure to every Christian leader in America. We will provide as many copies of this brochure as you can use at our cost of $.07 per piece plus shipping and whatever donation you feel led to offer.** Alternatively, if you provide us an up-to-date list of pastors or other leaders we will send it to them ourselves (but please provide help with postage).  Or if you desire to print your own supply, download the PDF above, but be advised the printed version is 9×12″, not 81/2 by 11″.

Finally, I am available on a limited basis for speaking, seminars and Christian media interviews at

Pastor Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.

* Facts cited in this letter are documented in my article “Gay Agenda? What Gay Agenda?” and other articles at

** Donations should be made out to Abiding Truth Ministries, PO Box 2373, Springfield, MA 01101 or online at


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