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Dr. Scott Lively has advocated and modeled the Biblical worldview as a writer, speaker, attorney, pastor, human rights consultant, and missionary for more than 30 years on five continents.
This website is devoted to converting Scott’s extensive and growing catalogue of books, articles, commentaries, interviews, and other materials into accessible free resources for use by those who share the goal of restoring a Judeo-Christian consensus in America and advancing the Biblical worldview around the globe.
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Category Archives: Biblical Lifestyle
Scott Lively on Money and Materialism
Having entered adulthood as an often homeless drifter with alcohol and drug addiction, I never had much in the way of money or material possessions. For quite a few years everything I owned fit in a backpack, and I knew … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Lifestyle
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Scott Lively Explains Antifa
Dr. Lively draws upon his historical research for his book The Pink Swastika, co-authored by Kevin Abrams, to explain the roots of “Antifa” in the Soviet Communist infiltration of Germany just after WWI closely following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Lifestyle, Politics, Revolutionary Remnant Regiment
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Scott Lively on Winning Impossible Victories
Dr. Lively celebrates the anniversary of his mission to Springfield Massachusetts by showcasing the “impossible victories” that have occurred there from the time of Dr. and Mrs Lively’s arrival by train January 5th, 2008 with just their suitcases and the … Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Lifestyle, Redemption Gate Mission
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