Only God Can Save Us Now! But Will He?

The greatest flaw of “conservatism” is its reactive emphasis on “conserving” the status quo, while the greatest advantage of “progressivism” is its constant pro-active pursuit of a vision for the future. Progressives always have a goal to strive for, a systematic agenda to get them there, and doctrinal “narratives” about the goals and agenda to motivate, define, and morally justify themselves by. The Conservatives’ primary goal and agenda is to stop the progressives from achieving their goals by dragging their feet and throwing up roadblocks to lefty “progress.” Thus the Conservatives always win at first because it’s easier to obstruct than to build, but the Progressives always prevail over time because persistence always pays off – and because (since the early 20th Century) Progressives control public education and the media which they use to indoctrinate the Conservatives’ children with Progressive ideology while they wait for enough grey heads to die off to permanently tip the balance in their favor.

Generation by generation, issue by issue, ratchet-like, they engineer social change ever leftward and the rest of us always follow a few steps behind: fighting “gay marriage” tooth and nail under Reagan, then mindlessly inviting “gay” couples to their anti-Trans events under Trump. What changed except their supposed principles? And what makes them think we can beat them this time using the exact same playbook which they wrote?

The best of the American Conservatives (a minority of mostly religious people) have the goal of restoring the models created for us by our Christian-Progressive founders: the biblical vision of a “Shining City on a Hill” and the aspirational goals of the Declaration of Independence they attempted (largely successfully) to codify in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But most of the rest of the Conservative “movement” are just traditionalists who resist change by nature without any particular knowledge of the reasoning, philosophy or theology behind their traditions. The closest they get to a common defining ideology is “patriotism” (which can be it’s own trap as the elites’ Ukraine boondoggle and devious Russia scapegoating continues to prove).

Sometimes these Populist, Libertarian and nominally-Christian types get awakened to foundational truths when the Progressives move too fast and cause the frog to jump out of the pot. That happened first in the Baby Boomer generation under Jimmy Carter, triggering the Ronald Reagan presidency and the “Reagan Revolution,” and then in the Millennial Generation under Barack Obama which triggered the Tea Party Revolution, the Donald Trump presidency and the MAGA movement.

Unfortunately, through simple incrementalism in their “long march through the institutions” over the past century, the Progressives have taken enough of the seats of power, and destroyed enough of America’s constitutional infrastructure, that they may now be, and likely are, invincible. The 2020 election coup, the plandemic, and now the “trans-demic” all illustrate a level of power and control among the Progressive elite so enormous that they openly scorn law, ethics and social conventions with impunity. The double standards they operate by in every public sphere are so blatant and egregious that they transcend what many believe is just a delusional lack of self-awareness of their own hypocrisy.

No, they are knowingly and sadistically toying with us – like Disney doubling and tripling down on their grooming agenda targeting our children and grandchildren, sneering at us with smug superiority as we try unsuccessfully to bring them to heel with boycott-based financial punishment. We’re plunging down the mountain in a speeding car, furiously pumping brakes that just don’t work and realizing that they really don’t care about the old money system anymore — perhaps because they know the new one will make them better than whole after we’re dead at the bottom of the gorge.

The Progressives don’t care about the Boomers anymore. Our numbers are dropping every day. The Progressives don’t care about anti-Trans activism by the Millennials who will cave faster than the Boomers did because they already embrace much the rest of the LGBT agenda and thus have no moral authority or sense of history. Progressives have got pretty close to 100% control of the schools and media, and corporations, and sports leagues, and everything else so there is really nothing we do can stop them from transitioning ALL the children who are not being specially shielded and counter-trained by their parents. Florida is laudably trying to keep it out of the schools but that’s not enough to protect kids from a trillion-dollar multi-institutional culture-wide targeting campaign in the age of social media.

Importantly, because the Cultural Marxist strategy behind the Progressive agenda is all about using the sexual revolution to disintegrate true marriage and the natural family (the immune system of every nation), recruiting the kids to sexual anarchy clears the path for everything else. That’s why it has such a high priority on the left.

All the above is the practical reality from a materialist perspective. Biblically speaking we have reached the point in the prophetic timeline described in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”

There is no more fundamental a truth than our Creation by God as male and female in His image. There is no more Satanic a lie than the abomination of “gay marriage,” except the denial of male/female binary exclusivity by God’s design.

The Conservative movement has largely moved on from the “gay marriage” battle to the fight against trans-insanity. In doing so, it has sealed its fate, and that of our nation. There is no America – indeed, there is no truly human civilization – without true marriage. To accommodate homosexuality as a social norm and to grant homosexual partnerships the status of marriage is to utterly reject God’s plan for humanity. That defilement of marriage was, according to the ancient Rabbis, the specific sin that triggered Noah’s flood. And, the societal normalization of homosexuality was what got Sodom incinerated by God – specifically as a warning to humanity about the last days destruction of the earth by fire (Jude 1:7).

Nineveh was spared destruction by God because it repented after Jonah’s warning. America is about as far from an attitude of repentance as a nation can get – even among the Conservatives. Things have gotten so bad that only God can save us now. But will He?

There’s nothing more to say except “Repent! For the End is Near.”

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