Search Results for: Five Stages

The Five Stages of Homofascism

THE FIVE STAGES OF HOMOFASCISM A Primer on “Gay Supremacy” in America Comments of Dr. Scott Lively on the 4th Anniversary of Obergefell v Hodges, June 26, 2019, US Supreme Court, Washington DC I am Dr. Scott Lively and I’m … Continue reading

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Confessions of a ‘hate criminal’

First published 5/2/24 The remnant of Western civilization, which still values freedom of speech and other classical ethics and virtues, is aghast at Canada’s Stalinesque “online harms bill,” which would punish so-called “hate speech” with penalties up to life imprisonment, … Continue reading

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30 Days of Pride-Month Push-Back

Introduction: June 1: The day God tore down a ‘gay pride’ flag In 2008 Anne and I relocated to Springfield, Massachusetts, with the intention of leaving the culture-war battlefield on LGBT issues to launch a more traditional inner-city mission to … Continue reading

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We’re on Step 4 of homo-fascism’s plan

For the left, and particularly its LGBT agenda-steering de facto “executive committee,” the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (of “utopian” social engineering) has always been the power not just to suppress all dissent, but to force … Continue reading

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Federal Tyranny vs States Rights on True Marriage

WND recently covered a story from the U.K. in which a public health agency has declared – with total conviction – that Christian beliefs regarding marriage are “incompatible with human dignity.” In America, and much of the Western world, public … Continue reading

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MAGA “Deplorables” Should Denounce Trojan Horse Richard Grenell

Dr. Lively’s WND Article on this topic is HERE Above is a link to the NBC New York news story about Hillary’s “Basket of Deplorables” speech at an LGBT fundraiser. Here is another fact-filled link. Below is a YouTube video … Continue reading

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Dirty Harry and the Pendulum of Overcorrection

More and more as the woke Western world sinks deeper into the quicksand of quioxity (or, if you prefer, the tar pit of trans-lunacy), my thoughts turn to the great cultural savior of the 1970s: Dirty Harry. As has been … Continue reading

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Was Chief Justice John Roberts the SCOTUS Leaker?

It’s really no secret that the US Supreme Court has for decades been the global elite’s ace in the hole for controlling American policy. SCOTUS is rarely the body where our policies have been conceived and birthed but instead where … Continue reading

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An America First Primer on Explaining Disney Deviance

Every MAGA mom, dad, grandparent and concerned patriot needs to read this article, to understand that the crisis they have suddenly awakened to in the form of a Dystopian Pedophilic Disney Corporation – and the blatant, aggressive LGBT recruitment of … Continue reading

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Zuckerberg’s ‘Pleasure Island’ Metaverse

ZUCKERBERG’S ‘PLEASURE ISLAND’ METAVERSE Like Pinocchio on Pleasure Island, an entire generation of young people lost to narcissistic self-absorption and fantastical delusions about gender, sex and society is being lured from God’s natural world into a lawless and utterly artificial … Continue reading

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UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF REVELATION: Part Three of “The Prodigal Son Prophecy”

Dr. Lively continues his serial publication in video and PDF of his book ‘The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God’s Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles” with this third installment, which is … Continue reading

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