Search Results for: pederast

New Pederasty Accusation vs HRC Founder Terry Bean

Our lead news link at DefendtheFamily today is this story: see also for more dirt: Yes, HRC stands for Human Rights Campaign, the very same homofascist organization that named me global public enemy #1 of the LGBT agenda for … Continue reading

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HRC Founder’s Pederasty Charge is Sweet Vindication from God

“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn.”  Isaiah 54:17 This scripture verse was the first one ever specifically prophesied over me as a baby Christian at the … Continue reading

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‘Queers for Palestine’ has a Nazi precedent

Many people are mystified (because of Islam’s supposed hostility to homosexuals) that in 2024 American homosexuals would align with the Islamic terrorists of “Palestine.” I say “supposed,” because just as in all hyper-legalistic religions, the doctrine of the Islamic faith … Continue reading

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The last gasp of the Boy Scouts of America

First published 5/13/24 In the Cultural Marxists’ “long march through the institutions,” perhaps their toughest conquest was the Boy Scouts of America. This past week the BSA finally fully succumbed to the life-draining internal parasites with which it was infected 11 years … Continue reading

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October is Gay Recruitment Month

While the world’s attention has been drawn to the spectacle of the The Mideast Road to WWIII, here at home the wholesale recruitment of America’s children into the LGBT sex cult has again picked up speed. This is the true priority … Continue reading

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The Boy Scouts of Gomorrica

by Dr. Scott Lively, 8/5/2023 1992:‘NAMBLA calls on the Boy Scouts of America to cease its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in the appointment of its scout masters. This will permit scouts to be exposed to a variety … Continue reading

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Don’t Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

From the Archives Introduction by Dr. Lively, July 8, 2023: On February 2, 2009, I published an article in Accuracy in Media titled The Nazi Model for “Gays” in the Military. Shortly thereafter I revised it and retitled it to … Continue reading

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30 Days of Pride-Month Push-Back

Introduction: June 1: The day God tore down a ‘gay pride’ flag In 2008 Anne and I relocated to Springfield, Massachusetts, with the intention of leaving the culture-war battlefield on LGBT issues to launch a more traditional inner-city mission to … Continue reading

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Trump’s arrest is a lefty ‘Sieg Heil’ to the Rainbow Swastika

If it is true that history always repeats for those who fail to learn from it, it is doubly true when actual history is replaced by false revisionist narratives to serve a social-engineering agenda. How can you fix a problem … Continue reading

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We’re on Step 4 of homo-fascism’s plan

For the left, and particularly its LGBT agenda-steering de facto “executive committee,” the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (of “utopian” social engineering) has always been the power not just to suppress all dissent, but to force … Continue reading

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How We Won and Lost the War for Civilization

Today, Nov. 8, 2022, I am publishing the first draft of my book “The Battle for Measure 9: The forgotten true story of how pro-family conservatives (temporarily) WON the LGBT war on civilization in 1992 as told by a firsthand … Continue reading

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Tulsi Gabbard and the Need for a Natural Rights Coalition in the MAGA Movement

After my recent WND column mentioned having collaborated with Tulsi Gabbard’s Dad, Mike Gabbard, back in the 1990s (drafting the Framingham Declaration defining the natural family I received several emails questioning whether Tulsi Gabbard should be welcomed into the MAGA … Continue reading

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Born to Make Kiddie Porn

BORN TO MAKE KIDDIE PORN? (RAISE YOUR HANDS IF YOU SAW THIS COMING.) But around the world the people are getting fed up with the LGBT agenda and its poisonous fruits (pun intended). The Greeks Push Back! Greek political leader … Continue reading

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The LGBT Campaign for Special Rights

Note: This is the first in a series of articles detailing The Battle for Measure 9 and its significance in the history of the culture war. The Battle for Measure 9. The Historical and Cultural Context, Part One. Thirty years … Continue reading

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“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).  Every authentic Christian (and Torah-faithful Jew) knows that the rainbow belongs to God, not the “gays.” But how many realize that the hijacking of the rainbow by the … Continue reading


The Ugly True History of LGBT Normalization

Information in this Section is Offered as a list of Links and Short Summaries Organized Primarily in the Form of a Timeline, and Secondarily by Topic. The Deepest Roots of the Modern LGBT Movement **** 1795 **** Let’s start at … Continue reading

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The Forgotten Mass Murder of “Anti-Gay” Martyrs

Why June 3rd Memorializes the Ugly Consequences of “Gay Pride” Defied It was morning in East Africa. The day was May 26th, 1886 and along the shore of Lake Victoria the mist still hung thickly in the jungle undergrowth, although … Continue reading

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The LGBT Agenda is Worse than just Grooming

“The groomer doth protest too much, methinks!”Queen Gertrude, in Hamlet, by William Shakespeare (paraphrased). One of the first things I learned as a newly minted pro-family activist in the late 1980s was that the closer one hits the mark in … Continue reading

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An America First Primer on Explaining Disney Deviance

Every MAGA mom, dad, grandparent and concerned patriot needs to read this article, to understand that the crisis they have suddenly awakened to in the form of a Dystopian Pedophilic Disney Corporation – and the blatant, aggressive LGBT recruitment of … Continue reading

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If You thought “Gay Pride Month” (formerly known as June) was bad, brace yourself for another annual “Gay History Month” in public schools through October, including “Coming Out Day” on the 11th.  June was for planting the seeds of sexual … Continue reading

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