Toxic Feminism and Judge Roy Moore

The latest target of social justice warriors in the temples of Secular Humanism we call our public university system is so called “toxic masculinity,” meaning innate male authority in the social order (because in their worldview “all men are pigs”– except effeminate “gays” and “metrosexuals”).

Ironically, however, the most toxic form of masculinity is radical feminism. The masculinization of women that began in the 1960s has produced a hybrid version of feminism that combines the most toxic aspects of both femininity and masculinity: the manipulative cunning of women, and the militaristic will-to-power of men. There are legions of these new feminists at large in America – high-school and college-trained ideologues, steeped in anti-biblical dogma and zealous to avenge their “victim” status as women in a male-dominated world.

To be clear, this is not to indict women whose “feminism” relates only to womens’ equality of value as human beings created in God’s image: that form of feminism is healthy. It rightfully seeks to correct the attitude held by prior generations of men who treated women like children or slaves, rather than partners of different but complimentary traits and functions as praised in Proverbs 31. No, I’m talking about the feminism that trains women to think and act like men and to compete with them for power, abandoning their essential primary role as the cultivators and sustainers of family-based community. These new feminists, whose most sacred “right” is abortion, destroy rather than create civilization.

Their muscular assault on “toxic masculinity” has now spilled into the larger culture in a tsunami of sex-based accusations against men in power that suggests an indictment of all men, and of the very concept of male leadership. Many of the accusations are undoubtedly true, which lends undo weight to those that aren’t, inviting yet more of both sorts (and opening the door to the same political opportunists who “never let a good crisis go to waste”).

This isn’t just a cultural earthquake, it is a swarm of them, like what’s occurring geologically at Yellowstone – and is potentially as dangerous if men collectively cede power to feminists to appease their wrath (in the same manner that so many capitulated to the media-driven “gay rights” agenda to prove they weren’t “homophobes”).

One has to wonder if this isn’t actually a planned offensive of the Clinton/Soros Purple Revolution. If so, it’s a brilliant political maneuver, uniting aggrieved women across the political spectrum into a lynch mob that is quickly morphing into a sort-of cultural coup by the “women’s movement” to replace the old Bible-based and conservative-leaning patriarchal social order with a hard-left matriarchy. (Conservative women, beware the trap!) Already, the “solution” being proposed is the wholesale transfer of power to women, as if maleness itself is the problem.

At the same time the historic stereotypes of men and women are in full display: the masculine emphasis on systematic logic and rule-of law (in which one is innocent until proven guilty) has been swept away by a flood of emotionalism (fitting the old stereotype of women). Numerous Hollywood careers have been crushed, and Judge Roy Moore’s momentous Alabama election today hangs in the balance – with no “due process” in sight, only torches and pitchforks and moral outrage.

The classic film To Kill a Mockingbird – set in Alabama – featured just such a mob, intent on hanging a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman. The film is always presented as a morality tale against racism, because the man was black and the woman white, but the incident that actually drove the narrative was the white woman’s unsuccessful attempt to get the black man to have sex with her, and her insistence after the fact that he had attacked her. It was only the heroic defense of the accused man by lawyer Aticus Finch (played brilliantly by Gregory Peck), that saved the him from being lynched by the townspeople before the truth could be proved in court.

There’s a similar tale of sex-based female treachery in the Bible about Joseph and Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39), but in that case the innocent man actually served time in jail.

The point here is not to say that the accusers in any of these many cases are liars or that the men are innocent but that our society has a system for determining what the truth is – and we risk doing great damage, not just to the individuals but to the nation as a whole – if we abandon the rule of law to emotional expedience.

That risk is especially high in the case of pro-life, pro-family stalwart Judge Roy Moore, who is rightly outraged at being tried by the leftist media in the court of public opinion on the eve of an election in which opponents like Mitch McConnell have proven a willingness to stop him at all costs. What is more, his many feminist opponents (and perhaps the accusers themselves) routinely justify the wholesale murder of unborn babies as “women’s rights,” so what’s a little election fraud compared to that?

Yes, that’s a serious charge! Which proves my point about due process. Opinion and unproved accusations cannot be a substitute for facts in public policy!

As a California attorney, I practiced Family Law for several years, which is necessarily a mostly gender-based adversarial process involving primarily divorce and child custody. I was intimately familiar with the facts of hundreds of cases of “he-said, she-said” and represented both men and women in roughly equal numbers. I know from whereof I speak that a great many men and woman lie about each other to gain advantage in pursuit of their interests, and if it weren’t for genuinely impartial judges (most are) and a system for gathering and testing facts (the litigation process), there would be no justice at all in family law – the victory would go to whomever had the more compelling narrative.

That’s precisely what the leftists want from this current crisis: the power to steer social policy through compelling narrative without the restrictions of due process to tie their hands and hold them accountable for their lies. It is up to the rest of us to prevent that from happening by demanding a return to the rule of law and an end to “witch hunts.” We must not allow “toxic feminism” to prevail.

In my opinion Judge Roy Moore is the victim of a witch hunt the likes of which we haven’t seen since Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. I don’t know Judge Moore personally, so I have only his history as a unwavering defender of the Bible, and my knowledge of the bad character and underhandedness of his critics like McConnell – and the blatant moral depravity of his pro-abortion Democrat opponent to go on. That’s enough for me – in my capacity as a private citizen – to support him pending the outcome of “due process” that is the birthright of every American.

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