The Borking of William Barr

It should be obvious to any thinking American that the current political blitzkreig against Attorney General Barr is just a continuation of the assault on the Trump administration. The elites are truly desperate now that they will be held accountable for their criminality during the Obama administration. They couldn’t take down Trump, and now his AG is empowered by the impeachment acquittal to start exposing the coup plotters. Like many, I am skeptical that Barr is actually an adversary of the deep state, and not another one of its deep cover agents. Time will tell. But whether it is from actual fear of Barr, or to give Barr cover to go passive on the swamp draining process, the Borking of Barr has begun.

Either way, today’s addition of Donald Ayer (Bush 41’s Deputy AG) to the anti-Barr dog-pile is evidence that the growing desperation of the elites is becoming full-fledged panic. In my view, Ayer represents, at least symbolically, a higher tier of the Bush dynasty than hireling Mitt Romney does, and the elites don’t come this far out of the shadows unless they have no choice. By elites, I mean, of course, the Bush and Clinton dynasties that have ruled America as a tag team since Reagan. Obama is of the Clinton dynasty – forced on Bill and Hillary by Ted Kennedy who had years earlier passed the Kennedy mantle of power to them. (Hillary had to grin and bear it, settling for Sec of State and a guarantee of the Dem presidential nomination in 2016).

The first time the elites were forced this far out of the shadows was when the Donald Trump of the 20th Century, Ronald Reagan, tried to put a second Scalia on the Supreme Court in the form of Robert Bork. Bush 41 had let Reagan have his way in moving social policy to the right domestically because Reagan’s Christian-motivated anti-Communism crusade against the Soviet Union served the Bush/globalists interest of pursuing global banking and oil hegemony. Bush 41 knew he could undo Reagan’s conservative gains through the court later – but Bork would have locked in conservative control of SCOTUS and that could not be permitted (they must always have a “swing vote” they can control): so the elites pulled out all the stops, created the new political term “Borking,” and forced Reagan to nominate elitist fixer Anthony Kennedy as punishment.

The more we see Bush dynasty assets join Ayer and Romney on the anti-Barr bandwagon, the greater the level of panic we can assume is occurring in the Bush/Clinton Purple Uniparty.

The prime figure to watch is Jeb Bush, whom Barr supported in the 2016 primaries to the tune of $55K. If Jeb joins the chorus, we’ll know for sure the elites are ALL-IN to take down or neutralize Barr, and that will be a very dangerous time indeed for Barr (if he bucks them), and President Trump (who will not fold even if Barr does). Because both dynasties of the Purple Uniparty have tasted of ultimate power of the Executive Office and used the full array of its arsenals to enforce their will.

But we can also assume President Trump knows all of this as well and is three steps ahead of them.

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