Perv-Pandering to the Walking Dead

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and every expression of evil, and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save your souls” (James 1:21).

I could never get past the first episodes of the seemingly endless gore-fest called The Walking Dead, which I liked to a point for its dystopian science-fiction story-line and it’s un-subtle analogy to America’s unfortunate cultural realities in the age of wokeness. The Walking Dead zombies are to today’s Cultural Marxists what the mind-enslaved pod-people in the 1950s classic movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers were to the Communists of that generation. 

One of the most disgusting of the survival tactics of the remaining true humans was to smear themselves with the liquified rotting flesh of the “walking dead” so as to blend in with them whenever they had no other way to move openly in their pursuit of their basic needs. Sadly, in a heartbreaking version of life imitating art, that fiction is becoming fact in the deliberate self-camouflaging of some otherwise “straight” people who portray themselves as “gay” or “trans” to quality for the social favor that status now confers. (Ask any Kindergartner in a deep blue school district.)

Back in the early 1990s when I was spokesman for the Oregon No Special Rights Act, which was designed to prevent civil rights minority status from being granted by government based on so-called “sexual orientation,” I pointed out the stupidity of granting special rights based on non-immutable criteria that cannot be objectively proven. Anyone could simple claim to be “gay” or lesbian to get those special government entitlements and no one could prove they didn’t deserve them because it was all a matter of subjective self-declaration (which remains true to this day despite billions spent to prove otherwise).  

That certainly wasn’t the case with Blacks and the benefits of Affirmative Action, for example. Faking Blackness was so absurd that Hollywood made movies about it. Even the easier grift of claiming Native American heritage could get you busted if you were ever forced to submit to DNA testing – as Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren embarrassingly learned.  

Of course, no one heeded my warning because in those days the idea of wanting to be identified as “gay” was absurd, and that was the point of the push for minority status: to counter-balance the stigma so homosexuals could have “equality” in society. The same people who were susceptible to that argument also missed the deeper problem, which was that there can be no “equality” for “marriage-based heterosexual monogamy” and “sexual freedom.” These are mutually exclusive and contradictory social priorities. There is and can never be “equality” for the ordered sexual liberty of Christianity and the sexual anarchy of Cultural Marxism: one must rule at the expense of the other. You can only have one as your dominant norm even if you make allowance for sub-cultures as American did so effectively in the family-centered 1950s and early 60s. 

I was 30 years ahead of the curve in warning about people faking “gayness” to boost their social credit score, but here we are, and all I’ve got to show for it is the right to say “I told you so” from the farthest edge of the “homophobic” fringe I’ve been relegated to by the zombified children of yesterday’s short-sighted conservatives, as their grandchildren (twice removed from normalcy) embrace the “trans” insanity of genital self-mutilation.

I was inspired to write this piece early this morning when I decided to subscribe to a substack writer, Alex Krainer, whose analysis on Russia and Germany I found insightful. On the sign-up page was a set of other writers one could be automatically be subscribed to at the same time. The list included Glenn Greenwald, who was described there as essentially a man with “no agendas.” I declined that option and then sent an email to the writer saying “your pitch for Glenn Greenwald, whom I cautiously respect at an intellectual level as an analyst of geopolitical matters, is NOT agenda-free, as his flaunting ‘gay family’ icon reminds all who still recognize the insult to God and Christian civilization that it represents.” (Encouragingly, that icon was not displayed on Mr. Krainer’s page.)

Now, I’m not saying that Greenwald is faking “gayness” because he’s obviously all-in on the lifestyle – but he is clearly using his unfortunate actual conduct-affirming “gay” self-identity as a shield against attacks by the Woke. By using the icon, he is essentially claiming the protection of his de-facto “social credit” score because “gayness” offers such enormous points-value. If he were a non-homosexual saying the same things he would suffer far greater punishment or be completely shunned and cancelled like I have been. 

Greenwald IS faking conservatism, however, because his continuing use of an icon of himself, his sodomy partner, and the two children they have acquired, conveys the very essence of “sexual liberation” and the “progressive” revision of God’s definition of marriage and family that is the heart of the Marxist strategy. If his impressive conservative analysis of non-sex-related political matters is serving the cause of normalizing homosexuality to conservatives, Greenwald is more valuable to the globalist puppet-masters than all the “gay” activists in Hollywood because “sexual freedom/anarchy” trumps everything else in the takedown of a nation. Why else would Pope Francis and the UN have chosen the global decriminalization of homosexuality as their top priority for “unifying” the world in all its diversity of morally conservative religions?   

Have you noticed the extent to which “conservative” homosexuals have infiltrated conservative media? I will likely do a future article on this phenomenon, which I believe is being orchestrated by the same players in the Intelligence agencies that drive the cancel culture. They are using back-door funding and pro-active boosting (the opposite of “shadow banning” and “reach suppressing”) of open or known homosexual journalists and new-media executives to make them into right-wing celebrities. To be sure, the work of these media figures is often stellar – but that’s the point: a second-rate Trojan Horse is worse than useless for infiltration and conquest. And to be clear, these “celebrities” don’t have to be in on the conspiracy to be useful to it.  

But the far greater threat to Judeo-Christian civilization is the fact that otherwise normal people have been strongly incentivized to smear themselves with the appearance of “gayness” to improve their ability to function in today’s zombie culture. It’s a step beyond “virtue signaling,” which actually serves as a sort-of “gateway drug” to the more dangerous and destructive choices. 

Where do we see evidence of this “gay-faking?” So far the most obvious examples (pioneered by Bradley Edward Manning AKA “Chelsea”) are men who claim transgender identity when sentenced to prison or who adopt “trans” status to steal glory from real women in sports. And, of course, both boys and girls in elementary school who now go “trans” to win the approval of their woke teachers.

The stigma is gone now, and if it’s gone for the trannies, it’s long gone for the “gays.” And without the stigma the floodgates are open for fake-“gayness” as a fail-safe way to game the system by anyone wanting social acceptance and benefits in the world of the walking dead.    


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