Search Results for: israelite republic

The Israelite Republic as a Model to Our Founders A curse of humanity from the time of Adam and Eve has been thinking ourselves smarter than God. That idea originated with the false promise of Satan: that we could become like gods by thinking for ourselves instead of … Continue reading

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The Republic We Couldn’t Keep

The Republic We Couldn’t Keep It was Benjamin Franklin who famously replied “A republic, if you can keep it,” when a group of citizens asked him what form of government the Founders had created for them. Few remember that he … Continue reading

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The Trump ‘conviction’ and an end-time scenario

I was not shocked by the ruling of the Merchan Kangaroo Kourt, though I was hoping the jurors would recognize the danger to the rule of law their complicity in Merchan’s blatant witch-hunt would represent. We’re in unchartered waters now … Continue reading

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A contrarian Trump scenario for 2024

When state security services like the CIA or KGB want to plant an essential top-tier agent deep into enemy territory, they build a narrative around him that makes his loyalty to that enemy’s agenda seem unassailable. Intelligence and law enforcement … Continue reading

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Next comes hell on earth

I have written many times on the parallel of Israel’s republic (detailed in Joshua and Judges) with the American republic. Most tellingly, the political logjam preventing ratification of our U.S. Constitution was only broken when holdouts in New Hampshire were … Continue reading

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Trump Must Repent of His Approval of Sodomy

This post includes a two article series that I am very unhappy to have to write and a video of my latest Prophecy and Politics show that goes into greater detail. Part 1: Prideful Trump and the Bible’s Hard Red … Continue reading

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The Window of Reprieve Has Closed — Two Perspectives

The Culture War Perspective Donald Trump’s remarkable victory in 2016 opened an 11th hour window of reprieve from the enslavement of the world to a global Marxist order. America became The Republic We Couldn’t Keep upon the finalization of the Trump takedown … Continue reading

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The Reconciliation of Christians and Jews

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their … Continue reading

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Freestyle Bible Study

Freestyle Bible Study on  Isaiah 11 and Ezekiel 37 | The Tyranny We Will LOVE Freestyle Bible Study on   2 Samuel 21-22 | The Great Deeds of the Mighty Men Freestyle Bible Study on   2 Samuel 20-21 | The Six Fingered Foes … Continue reading

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Daviding the Big Tech Goliath

The Bible’s best example of asymmetrical warfare is the story of David and Goliath. Goliath was a literal giant armed to the teeth and backed by a massive army. David was a young shepherd so little regarded in King Saul’s Israel that … Continue reading

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A Democracy of Useful Idiots

I was once a useful idiot but intense persecution by the LGBTs cured me of my fear of bucking propaganda narratives and let me see behind the curtain of the elites. There is no shame in being a “useful idiot” … Continue reading

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The Nimrod Protocol and America’s Oligarchy

In my last article, “The Republic We Couldn’t Keep,” I showcased the Israelite and American republics (at their best) as examples of “self-government under the rule of law” – God’s design for optimal human civilization, balancing the need for social … Continue reading

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America and the Clock of Judgment | BNBS | Episode 18

The Clock of Judgment This week I am releasing the 4th installment of my book “Dynasty of Darkness: Satan’s long serpentine trail through human history in the role of successive Antichrists, and the imminent rise of his last days kingdom” … Continue reading

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Antichrists in the Holy Land

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Scott Lively on Portland’s Antifa Fascism

There are seasons in human affairs when mankind can see much more than just the tip of the iceberg of Satanic control in this world. Evil prefers to spread in darkness, but when God’s people stand firmly against the Satanic … Continue reading

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The Coming Antifa Armageddon

Scott Lively on the Coming Antifa Armageddon This could be the video that gets me banned from YouTube, but I put my trust in God and reaffirm my personal commitment to the love of TRUTH above all else. Jesus Christ … Continue reading

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President Trump’s Most Dangerous Error

I’m been about as strong a Trump supporter as you can find. From the point in mid-2016 that I concluded he was being steadily transformed by God into a genuine Christian conservative, I’ve been a stalwart Trump defender and apologist … Continue reading

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The Dynasty of Darkness

Satan’s long serpentine trail through human history in the role of successive Antichrists, and the imminent rise of his last-days kingdom. About: The Dynasty of Darkness is a book-in-progress that will be first published as a series of PDFs in … Continue reading

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30 Days of Pride-Month Push-Back

Introduction: June 1: The day God tore down a ‘gay pride’ flag In 2008 Anne and I relocated to Springfield, Massachusetts, with the intention of leaving the culture-war battlefield on LGBT issues to launch a more traditional inner-city mission to … Continue reading

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Trump’s arrest is a lefty ‘Sieg Heil’ to the Rainbow Swastika

If it is true that history always repeats for those who fail to learn from it, it is doubly true when actual history is replaced by false revisionist narratives to serve a social-engineering agenda. How can you fix a problem … Continue reading

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